Were all jerks sometimes...

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//Pacifica's P.O.V.

"oh hey Dipper." I pretended not to see what had just happened.

He looked at me with sad eyes. "Don't pretend, you had to have seen that..I guess you hate me too now." He moped back to the bench.

I sighed and sat down next to him. "I don't hate you.."

"You should..everyone else does.. I'm such a jerk!" He sighed "I would know." I mocked him jokingly but Really I would...I remember when I was a jerk to him..Mabel..everyone.

"No you wouldn't..you've never done something like this..those girls are never gonna forgive me.." He put his head in his knees.

"..I'm really sorry Dipper." Was all I thought to say.

He looked up at me. "Sorry? Why are you sorry? I should be sorry..sorry for talking to all those girls at the same time..sorry for the way I treated you..sorry for being a jerk." His head fell back in his knees.

"It's okay...we're all jerks sometimes.."

He looked up at me and smiled. I returned it then we both looked down and saw our hands were touching.

We turned red and removed them immediately. Our eyes then meant and we both began to lean in..his lips were coming closer to mine.

Yes! I'm gonna kiss Dipper Pines! And it's gonna be perfect absolutely per-..

Feed back then came from his walkie talkie and he quickly grabbed it.

"Grunkle Stan?"

"Hey buddy-boy.."

Seriously?! We were just about to-..he was-..we were gonna-..ugh I should of seen this coming..

"...so remember how we were talking about my technique?" Continued Stan. "..Well sometimes it leads to unexpected consequences.."

"Yea you can say that again." Me and Dipper said together. "Where are you?"

"The good news is I solved the mystery of where Oregon's mummies come from. The bad news is I'm about to become one..turns out Darlene is one of those spider people.. But beyond that the dates been okay."

"Wait..wait..wait..Darlene's a spider person?! How is that possible?!" Dipper yelled.

What do you mean "how is that possible?!" You see crazier things than this everyday, how does this trip you up?!

"I don't know one minute were having the perfect date and the next minute she's growing extra legs and incasing me in webbing..woman am I right?" Sighed Stan.

"You couldn't tell she was a spider?!" Dipper yelled again.

Oh my god! Yea Stan! Explain that one!

"I was blinded by flattering!"

Enough said...

"...And this acid she spit in my face..I'm up on the mountain at widows peek." he added.

"Alright I'm gonna find you stay put!" Said Dipper

"You got it!" Replied Stan.

Me and Dipper then ran off for help.

//Stan's P.O.V.

"Alright I'm gonna find you...stay put!" Said Dipper.

I looked down at the webbing I was stuck in. "You got it!"

Then Darlene came in and grabbed the walkie talkie.

"Ah-ah trying to escape..?" She threw the walkie talkie on the ground, it broke into a million pieces.

Roadside Attraction☄DIPCIFICA STYLETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang