Change up.

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Picture: a quick edit I made with Pacifica in roadside attraction! when the fanfic comes to life 😊
//Dipper's P.O.V.

"Alright campers!" Began Stan while driving to our next attraction. "Get ready for another day of breaking laws and hearts." He smirked at me and I smirked back. "Everything up till now has been a walk in the park, compared to our next attraction!"

"Is it a walk in the worlds biggest park?" Asked Mabel peeping her head out from the wall that separated her from us. "Uh sort of.." Answered Stan. He then looked up and saw we arrived at our destination. "Ah here we are! The mystery mountain. 5 times the size of the mystery shack and what's worse she has real attractions!"

"Oh I read about this place!" Jumped in Candy. "It has a sky tram and a museum and sitings of half human and half spider creature!"

"Even their made up legends are better then ours!" Growled Stan. "Today the mountain falls."

"Question?" Said Mabel. "The back seat makes me car sick can I seat in the front today?"

"Also question!" Said Grenda. "Me and Pacifica can only fit can we have the whole seat to ourselves?"

"Uh I don't know, sure." Shrugged Stan. Mabel then came over to me. "Wooooh change up!" She then pushed me on the back seats of the R.V.

I buckled myself up. "But wait that means it will just be me and-"

"Candy chu sixth grade!"

I quickly backed up from her. She was definitely acting strange..

uh oh.

//Pacifica's P.O.V.

I watched as Mabel shoved Dipper into the back seats.

"But wait..that means it will just be me and-"

"Candy chu, sixth grade."

Well this just went down hill.

I got closer and listened.

"Heyyy." Dipper said awkwardly to her. It went silent for a bit but then the sound of steel rubbing against Candy's body stopped it and she was moving closer to Dipper!

Dipper got nervous. "You're sitting close.."

Yes! Extremely close!

Mabel and Grenda giggled and shut the curtain, I could still hear them.

"So Dipper.." Began Candy. "Would you maybe want to walk around the mystery mountain with me, today?"

I could hear him scooting a tiny bit away from her.

"Sureeee." Dipper said. "Wasn't that already the plan?"

"I mean just us. Candy and Dipper."

I swear you could hear haunted music in the background.

//Mabel's P.O.V.

I was excited for Candy and Dipper all my life dreams were coming true!

I looked at my uncle next to me. "You don't look very happy what's wrong?"

"Well nobody likes road tripping with someone they don't like." He explained.

"Are you talking about Dipper?" I tilted my head. "But you guys are getting along so great..I heard you gave him pretty good advice about girls." I smiled as he was still in the back with Candy.

He shook his head. "Not Dipper, never! I was talking abou-"

"Candy and Grenda?..but you said they could come and you sounded like you meant it."

"Jeez kid I'm not talking about them either it's-"

"Soos! Eh no you love him like a son."

"Not him..and don't get in between the relationship of a boss and an employee."

"Then.." I gasped. "Pacifica?!"


"But why?"

"As far as I can remember she's been a brat for a long time. I just don't understand why you're so pally with her.."

"Cause she's change." I said.

"No one changes take my brother for example...he still hasn't said thank you to me for getting him out of that crazy portal world.."

"Just give Pacifica a chance pleaseeee" I begged.

He shook his head. "Being with her is enough." I sighed. The R.V. Then came to a stop.

"Alright road dogs! I got five bucks for whoever can tip the big blue ox." Yelled Stan. Me and Grenda ran right out.

Roadside Attraction☄DIPCIFICA STYLENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ