Chapter 3

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Theo drives us to a crowed chowder place on Fisherman's Wharf where we all sit together at a small wooden table. The waitress takes our orders and eyes Theo and Roman for a moment too long. Roman catches her and winks at her. Her cheeks flush bright red, and I can't help but feel a faint twang of jealousy.

We all order clam chowder.

"So, Birdie," says Theo. "Do you have to go to school tomorrow?"

I shrug, looking to Roman for an answer.

"Yeah, I registered her two days ago while you were buying groceries," he tells Theo. They sound like an old married couple. I chuckle at the thought and Roman raises a perfectly arched eyebrow at me.

Theo nods. "You're a senior, right?"

"Mmhmm," I say. Then it occurs to me that both of these boys should be in college. "Do you guys go to school?" I ask.

"Yeah, we're both freshman at Cal State San Francisco," Theo says. "And we both went to the same high school in Portland. We came to San Francisco because it's so hipster."

"Isn't Portland the hipsterest of all hipster though?"

Before Theo can answer our food arrives. We dig in eagerly. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. The last meal I'd had was a sandwich at the airport on New York this morning.

When we're done, we pile back into Theo and Roman's car and drive around the city. I watch the lights and shadows pass over the backseat. Roman turns up the music.

I sigh. I wish I could tell Mom and Daddy everything that's happened. I wish I could tell them about my new parents, two crazy college kids. I want to tell them I miss them and I want to complain to them about the cramped plane ride. I want to see their faces and hear their voices and smell Mom's perfume. Before I know it, tears are flowing down my cheeks and I'm holding back sobs.

Roman turns around from the passenger's seat and sees me, my eyes and nose red.

"Pull over," he orders. Theo doesn't question him. Roman jumps out of the car and climbs into the back with me. I wipe my eyes on my sweater sleeve.

Ronan pulls me into a hug. His scent is warm and sweet like cinnamon roll. He strokes the back of my head.

"Hey, I get it kid," he says softly. Theo looks on solemnly, his glassy green eyes understanding. "Just let it out."

I let my arms hold tightly to Roman. He holds me tightly back. Theo turns down the music and sighs.

"We should go home now, then," he says.

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