Chapter 12

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I'm sitting on the couch when Roman wakes up. He walks into the room, yawning, and glances at me. I feel my face heat.

"Make me some cereal, kid," he says.

Does he remember or not?

Should I tell him?

Roman plops onto the couch beside me and slouches. He scratches his stomach casually. I can see his muscles when his shirt lifts.

He looks at me again and raises an eyebrow.

"Are you glued to the seat?" I can't say anything. I can feel is how warm his lips were. "Fine. I'll make it myself"

Roman gets up and walks to the kitchen. I hear his open the cupboard and pour some cereal. Then,  he brings his bowl back to the couch and sits down next to me again.

"Your uncle called this morning," he says through a mouthful of Froot Loops. "His trip will be extended another month, so we're stuck with you."

I nod.

My throat is too dry for me to speak.

"You're pretty talkative today," comments Roman. He turns on the TV and flicks through the channels until he finds Food Network.

I watch Chopped with him until the sun is setting outside.

As I watch the chefs frantically trying to plate their dishes, all I can think of is Roman's lips on mine.

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