Chapter 13

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The next day at school, I'm minding my own business when a girl with sleek blonde hair comes up to me after class. She eyes me with contempt and in feel my stomach flip.

I look to the teacher's desk for a little help, but she must be in the bathroom.

"Hey," she says. "I'm Madison. I don't believe I've met you yet."

"I'm Birdie," I say.

"Birdie, huh? Interesting name."

I smile politely and turn to leave, but Madison catches my elbow.

"I'm not done talking to you," she says sassily.

I look her in the eyes. They're light blue and make her look just a little crazy.

"I've got to get to class," I say as bluntly as I can. I never got involved in drama in New York and I'm not about to start now.

Madison smirks. "I heard that you live with two college guys." She raises one perfectly trimmed eyebrow. "Would your parents approve?"

My heart starts pounding. I don't even know why. I fight the urge to punch her in the face.

"My parents are dead," I tell her. "And why should you care where I live? Take your bratty self away from me and stay there."

Madison's smirk falters. "Liar. I bet your parents are fine. You're making that up for attention."

I did a little bit of tae kwon do when I was in middle school, and I remember enough to bring my leg up and kick Madison in the mouth. She falls backwards into some desks.

The teacher walks back in to the classroom to see Madison sprawled over the tables, clutching her mouth. I really shouldn't of done that.

Oh, well. She shouldn't have called me a liar.

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