Chapter 10

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I know they said they were going to the first aid tent, but as I look around I realize that I have no idea where that is. I'm too short to see over the other people here, and the loud roaring of the jets overhead only adds to the anxiety building in my stomach.

I take a deep breath.

I'll be fine. Roman is the one who's in trouble, not me. As long as he's okay, I'm okay.

I head in the direction I think they went, my heart pounding. I'm beginning to feel panicked.

There are too many people, too many noises. A sudden pang of homesickness hits me. I want to be back with my parents, in my old life, with my old friends. Tears blur my vision, but I blink them away. I'm not a crybaby.

I clear my head and focus on finding Roman, Theo, and Tom.

I spot a help kiosk not too far away. I hurry to them.

"I need to find the First Aid tent," I say to the woman behind the desk.

"Just follow that path right there, then turn right when you reach the end," she smiles.

"Thanks!" I say, then take off down the busy sidewalk.

When I reach the end at an intersection, I turn right.

There, underneath a red tent, sit Theo and Tom. Roman is reclined on a makeshift gurney.

Theo looks up.

"Birdie!" he yells, jumping up and running to me. "Sorry! We didn't realize you were gone until we got here!"

Tom stands up. "I was just going to look for you," he says. "You got here just fine, though."

I look at Roman. His face isn't so pale anymore, but his eyes are closed and his lips are turned down into a frown.

"Is he okay?" I ask the paramedic tending to him.

"I'm fine!" Roman protests, swatting at the paramedic's hands. He opens one eye and looks at me. "Are you okay?"

I reach forward to smooth his hair, but stop midway. He probably doesn't want to be touched right now, if he was hitting the paramedic away like that.

I move to take my hand away, but he grabs it. He places it on his cheek.

"I said, are you okay?" he asks again.

"You're lying on a stretcher and you just passed out! Why are you asking if I'm okay?" I scold.

Roman looks at me. "You're not answering the question. Are you okay?"

I breathe deeply. "Yes. Now that I know you're fine I'm okay."

Roman laughs. "That's cute."

I blush. Then Tom and Theo appear behind me. I sense them eyeing Roman's hand holding mine.

"Well..." Theo says awkwardly. "Who's up for more clam chowder?"

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