(Day 2) The Crowd Goes Wild

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So today was our first show in California, we were all so scared and nervous but tried to hold it in. So, there was now 30 minutes until the show starts and the anxiety and excitement started kicking in. When there was 20 minutes left, I walked into my dressing room and got dressed. As usual I was the last one out and the boys seemed like they had waited decades for me to come out. In my opinion, they over exaggerate too much! "IM READY GUYS!!!" I screamed. We all started walking backstage. As Esther started the countdown we got in a circle closed our eyes and prayed. "3, 2, 1 LIVE" said Esther. We confidently walked on stage as the pentaholics in the crowd cheered and chanted "PTX, PTX, PTX!"


OMG! I have never heard a crowd that loud! I though. As we walked backstage I looked back at the crowed, waved and gave them a big kiss! Our first show was definitely a success! I walked back to my dressing room smiling from ear to ear. I got dressed and came out to see a horrifying and dreadful sight I never knew I would ever witnessed in my life. It was definitely a sight I never wanted to witness in my life...
There I saw it, Olaf was lying on the wooden floor, not moving. I screamed at the top of my lungs for someone to come. Avi heard me scream and ran to me, follow by Scott, then Mitch, then Kevin. Avi's jaw dropped, Scott yelped "oh no," a tear came down from Kevin's face and Mitch collapsed on the floor hugging the poor creature. But, I was just standing there, not looking at the boys but looking at Olaf. I felt like I was paralyzed.

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