(Day 4) Dinner Date

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I woke up feeling excited, it was Saturday and today Jeremy and I decided that we would have  a dinner date. After hours of deciding where to go, we finally decided on Olive Garden. We got into the car and drove. When we were in the car I turned on the radio and guess what we heard? PENTATONIX!!!!!!!! It was On My Way Home, and right when we heard Kevin start beatboxing Jeremy and I looked at each other, smiling from ear to ear. When we got there, and asked a waitress for a table she said there was an hour wait. Well, you can't expect a table right away at a famous place like Olive Garden I thought to myself. Jeremy and I sat in the car to wait since there was too much noise inside. It has been 45 minutes and we were so bored. I kept staring at the buzzer the waitress gave us. At exactly 10:00 the buzzer rang. We went inside and got a table, we ordered and got the food. While we were eating, I looked around to see that there was barely anyone around us. "Excuse me, what time do you close" I asked a random waiter that happened to walk by. "Uh..." He looked at a clock. "We actually close in 10 minutes." We rushed to finish our food and payed, then we hopped into the car. So now we're just driving in our car getting home when all of a sudden "BANG." We were ok, but it turns out we got into a car crash. Jeremy stopped on the side. "Honey what happened?" He completely ignores me and steps outside of the car. Which I was stunned by and pretty angry about it too. I look through the window. The car we crashed into was parked right next to us and I stepped out of the car to see Jeremy and this other guys fighting. Their are pushing and hitting each other. At this point, I don't know what in the world to do. Do I step in and try to break up the fight or do I just wait patiently for it to end, what if it never ends? "STOP!" I repeat as I get in the middle of the fight. "KIRSTIN, THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND THIS JERK, SO SHUT UP AND LEAVE!!!!" Screams Jeremy. I stare at him for what seems like forever and then I run back into the car crying. How could he do this to me? I look out to see the guy get back into his car and drive off. Then Jeremy angrily gets in the car and slams the door. My hands are in my face, sobbing when the car starts driving. "Kirstin?" I looked at the damage, it isn't that bad we can get it repaired. I stayed silent with my face in my hands. "I'm sorry for what happened, I got outta hand and I-" All of a sudden, I started sobbing really loudly. The rest of the car ride none of us spoke, then we arrived home. I put my stuff down and ran to the bathroom where I locked myself up and started crying REALLY loudly. Jeremy was sitting on our bed thinking of what to do. Hearing my loud crying only made it worse, he needed a solution.
To be continued...

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