(Day 3) Live or Die

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Scott immediately picked up Olaf and ran to the bus driver. "TAKE US TO THE NEAREST VET, NOW!" Yelled Scott. I never knew he cared about me that much. I was still paralyzed until Mitch got up and put his arm around me, comforting me. In a matter of seconds, I was flooding the bus with my tears. As #soon as the bus screeched to a stop we all immediately ran out of the tour bus with Olaf in Scott's arms. "WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" Scott yelled. A minute later 4 nurses came with a stretcher and carried Olaf away. That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

"Yawn" I just woke up so I sat in bed. Right when I awake up I usually love when my dog Olaf comes to greet me and lick me. "Olaf!" I called, but no reply. Aww, my cute, lazy dog must be sleeping. So I got up to make myself some breakfast. Once I made my breakfast I filed a bowl of kibble for Olaf. I placed the bowl down knowing that Olaf will wake up and come when he smells his delicious dog food. But still no reply. I left the bowl there and sat down to eat my breakfast, I knew there was no way Olaf could resist the smell of human food. Whenever he eats his kibble he always leaves some and jumps on my laps to take a taste of some human food. But where was he know, I started to get worried. I looked everywhere for him and got a gigantic shock when I heard a know on the door. I opened it to see Jeremy's face. "Kirstin Olaf died" I started crying. "KIRSTIN, KIRSTIN"

"KIRSTIN, KIRSTIN!" I woke up to see Mitch starting into my face. "Wha- what happened" I asked confused. "Someone wants to see you" said Kevin with a smile on his face. All of a sudden Scott opened a door, and Olaf runs toward me licking me everywhere. I kneel down and hug him. I was crying tears of joy. "Come on let's go home" said Avi. We all hopped in the car and drove home.

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