(Day 8) Music Video

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I woke up extra early, so excited to shoot out new video. But, to my surprise Scott and Mitch were sound asleep. After putting all my energy into waking him up we went to the tour bus to see Avi, Kevin, and Esther were al there waiting for us. "Your late" said Esther. " Sorry it was all my and Mitch's fault, Kirt woke up early and woke us up." "Great job Kirstie" she said with a smile on her face. Yeah, I know. Then, we all heard a knock on the door and got all excited. Esther opened the door all professionally to see Jason Derulo standing at the door. He was already dressed into his outfit, but we weren't. He was in armed tux and  his eyes were glowing and his hair was perfect and- ... "KIRSTIN!" I scolded myself. "U do not like this guy!" We all went to our dressing rooms and got ready, the boys were in white suits and I was in a beautiful white dress. I was almost about to ask Esther if I could keep this dress. Ben got the camera ready and we all got in places, there were six cameras and six cameramen. They were all assigned to record each of us in different areas with a green screen of a beautiful red and white galaxy. After the shooting we all went out to lunch and I sat next to Jason. We were all talking and right when I thought that Jason would never make small talk with me... He did! "So, it's Cristy right?" "No, it's actually Kirstin but you can call me Kirstie." I said. "Right, I'm sorry." He said. "Your the only girl in Pentatonic, right" he asked. "Yes, and it's not Pentatonic its Pentatonix." "Shoot" he said slapping his forehead. "It's alright" I said. "Your very pretty" he said complimenting me. "Thanks" I replied. Looking at his beautiful eyes, and his beautiful hair and his... "Bing!" I looked at my phone and it was a text from Jeremy. "Right..." I thought. "You did amazing today." I told him. "Yeah so did you" he said with lovey dovey eyes. "Ugh, how am I gonna tell him?" I thought to myself. "I will be right back" I said and excused myself from the table. I locked myself in a stall and thought hard. Just then I saw an imaginary light bulb go on. I had the perfect idea! I walked out of the bathroom, acting like I was talking on the phone. I sat next to Jason and talked all lovey on the phone. Saying words like "babe" and "honey" really helped, along with twirling my hair while I was talking. After the lunch we all went back to the tour bus and said bye to Jason. What a day.

Hey guys, I am amazed. I mean, over 300 reads! Thank you all for reading The Life Of Kirstin Maldonado and I have decided to do more of these Author's Notes:)

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