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Harry Potter awoke from another nice dream. If nothing else, then at the very least he could say he was beginning to enjoy them as time passed. The memory he had dreamed of this time had been of the time he had helped Susan pull up and re-pot those Mandrakes.

Of course, as with all the dreams he had of his most recent memories of the times he shared with the various females in his group of friends (or women he had met like Perenelle and Selene), this one had been decidedly more than just a recalling of what had happened during that time.

This particular dream had gone much the same way as all his other dreams. He had been standing behind Susan, his front pressed against her back, his arms wrapped around her lithe frame as he held her hand and helped her pull up and re-pot her Mandrake.

He had absently noted that Susan's body was actually quite athletic, which he had easily been able to tell as he pressed up against her. It made him wonder if she actually exercised, unlike most witches and wizards, who he could tell simply from the way they moved had never exercised a day in their lives.

Her Aunt was the head of the DMLE so it would make sense for Madam Bones to run her niece through some basic drills designed to keep in shape. You never know when you might need to make a quick get away because you were being targeted due to your relatives reputation. And Amelia Bones had a big reputation. Harry didn't doubt that some people may try to target Susan to get to her.

After receiving his help, Susan had turned her head to look at him and gave him a smile, her cheeks tinged a light pink. This was where the memory shifted into a dream. During that time in Herbology, Harry had been able to keep his impulses and desires in check.

In this dream, he had not been able to do the same. When Susan had opened her mouth to speak, he had seized the moment and kissed her.

Susan had been in shock. He had been able to tell that much from the way her body had gone stiff as a board.

The shock had only lasted a second, maybe less, before Susan started kissing him back. It was just another moment that made him realize he had been dreaming. In real life, he was not sure Susan would have kissed him back even if she wanted to. The girl was just too shy to do something like that, especially in public.

Knowing her, she probably would have fainted.

Kissing dream Susan had been just as pleasant as kissing dream Daphne, only different. Daphne's lips had been soft, like his mouth was being caressed by the most expensive silk. Susan's lips had been a bit rougher, still soft, but not as soft, and had a more lush feel. Her lips were much fuller than Daphne's, whose lips were full, yet thinner.

As the kiss had continued, Harry and Susan had began getting even more into the act. Harry's tongue had penetrated her mouth while his hands began to lightly caress and explore her body. Like all girls at that age, she was beginning to develop, a fact he had discovered when his hands roved the undersides of her breasts and teased her hips. Girl's went through puberty faster than boys, he knew.

At least most boys. Harry wasn't sure he counted seeing as he was going through what must have been an accelerated version of puberty.

Unfortunately ― or fortunately, Harry had yet to decide which ― that had been where the dream ended and he woke up, lying in his bed. He had yet to decide whether he was disappointed or not, but figured he had plenty of time to debate this particular point of possible contention.

Looking around, it was to see the four curtains of his bed closed, the reason for this was because he had begun getting into the habit of setting up silencing charms, which were easier to cast in an enclosed space.

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