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The Signs as Characters EAH should make

Aries- Luke Montague I am not joking

Taurus- a student narrator

Gemini- a character to be either the black or white swan, whichever one Duchess ends up not being

Cancer- the Snow Queen (does not have to and probably shouldn't be Elsa)

Leo- King Midas (though I think EAH would just turn their powers into a joke and it would be super annoying, though I can see this character having to be like Deuce from Monster High, maybe they can wear gloves or something.)

Virgo- some dwarves (they can be Apple's friends!)

Libra- Mulan (bc she's based on a legend, the legitimate character of Mulan is probably disney copyrighted)

Scorpio- The Wicked Witch

Sagittarius- Peter Pan

Capricorn- Captain Hook

Aquarius- Hercules (I know some of these are myths technically but so is Cupid)

Pisces- Dorothy Gale (maybe Wizard of Oz characters would cause too many copyright issues though, it's also not exactly a fairytale)

What did you get?
TBH I really like this chapter.

QOTP: are there any OCs or fairy tale characters you wish you could see at EAH?
LUKE MONTAGUUUUUUEEEE *runs around halls screaming that at the top of my lungs* I forget a lot of times that Luke isn't a real character too
And as much as I know some people would want to fight me on this, I wish Austin King was real too.
And I want to see every character above listed in EAH.

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