one hundred sixty three

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The Disney movie the Signs and a friend watch (excluding the princess/fairy tale movies that EAH has used versions of)

Aries- Big Hero 6, with Dexter

Taurus- Hercules, with Daring

Gemini- Brave, with Darling

Cancer- Frozen, with Apple

Leo- The Lion King, with Rosabella

Virgo- Lady and the Tramp, with Cerise

Libra- Lilo and Stitch, with Cedar

Scorpio- Peter Pan, with Holly

Sagittarius- Mulan, with Briar

Capricorn- Bambi, with Ashlynn

Aquarius- Tarzan, with Hunter

Pisces- Wreck It Ralph, with Ginger

What did you get?

QOTP: what's the best Disney movie?
My favorites will always be The Lion King, Frozen and Tangled. Although, I have a secret love for Lady and the Tramp, and I'll always have a soft spot for Finding Nemo.

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