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What the Signs are doing for Zoey's birthday!!!!!! :D
(Okay, so maybe this one isn't exactly EAH... But it's my birthday, so we'll excuse that minor detail, won't we?)

Aries- watching Star Wars

Taurus- eating chocolate cupcakes with cookie dough or peanut butter frosting (bc those are my fave)

Gemini- having a sleepover with friends

Cancer- reading zoeyswiftie13 books ;)

Leo- wearing a sweater or music tee shirt with converse or uggs (my basic wardrobe)

Virgo- listening to 5sos hahaha

Libra- secretly admiring how adorable Luke Hemmings, Shawn Mendes and Dalton Rapattoni are

Scorpio- watching mixerdollstudios on YouTube

Sagittarius- marathoning OUAT and/or Disney movies

Capricorn- watching Thronecoming over to relive those Darise moments

Aquarius- is going to find a diner to order grilled cheese & tomato with waffle fries from (one of my favorite meals)

Pisces- is secretly writing their own mini fanfics about OCs Luke, Blake or Austin

What will you be doing for my birthday? Haha

QOTP: idk I don't have one today. I hope you're having a nice day though. I just thought of one actually, is there anything you've ever wanted to ask me or say to me that you never have before?

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