Chapter 19

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2 years later

Darcy's P.O.V.

I'm 15 years old now and Ashton is 17 years old, he's in his last year of high school, I'm in my first. My friend's big brother is in Ashton's year and when she goes to talk to him, he just ignores her and pretends he doesn't know her. I'm lucky, if I speak to Ashton around school he smiles and replies. Alexa and I are walking through the hallways when we see her brother, Corey. Alexa smiles over at her brother and he notices her. The girl beside Corey who's always with him, looks over too. Kayla I think her name is. She starts to laugh and says 'Oh my god! I swear that girl is obsessed with you. She doesn't stop staring at you, like ever!' Alexa frowns as Corey replies. 'Oh yeah tell me about it. She's such a kid.' 'Yeah how old is she? Like 12?' Kayla asks and laughs. The pair and their friends walk off and Alexa breaks down in tears. She runs off and I follow her only to bump into Ashton. 'Hey Darce. What's wrong with Alexa?' He asks. 'Corey. He's still pretending he doesn't know her and he just called her a kid and let his little girlfriend slag her off.' 'That's it. I'm going to talk to him. This is not on. You go see to Alexa. I'll deal with Corey.' Ashton says and walks off. 'Awe my big strong man going to the rescue.' Casey awes. We run off to find Alexa and find her in the girl's bathroom. Me and Casey comfort her together. At lunchtime, Corey walks up to Alexa and I. 'Lex, I'm sorry.' He says and pulls her into a hug. 'Are you going to stop your girlfriend saying things about me?' Alexa asks. 'She's not my girlfriend anymore but I did tell her the truth that you're my sister.' 'Good.'

Over the next few weeks, I've been spending a lot of time with Liam and Danielle's son James. We've gotten so close now we're in our teens and in high school. We worked together on a project at school and that was that. We're hanging out again in my room. James makes a funny joke and I begin laughing my head off. Having grown up with a funny dad, I love jokes....But any joke James tells I'd laugh at anyway.....I have a bit of a crush on James. I mean we've grown up together but now at 15 years old, I feel so much closer to him. When my laughter has died down, I notice James smiling at me. I smile back at him and feel the blush creep onto my cheeks. I turn my face away from him so he doesn't see. Suddenly his fingertips are under my chin, lifting my head back up to face him. We're suddenly very close. Without even thinking, we both lean in and share our first kiss. We pull back and smile at each other before leaning back in. Suddenly my door opens, startling us. My dad stands in the doorway shocked. My eyes widen and my face burns bright red. 'Daddy!' I exclaim in shock. Dad looks between James and I. 'London, come here.' He calls. My mum comes up the hall and sees us both sitting there like rabbits caught in headlights. 'What is it, Harry? What's wrong?' She asks. 'There's something we need to do.' Dad says and James visibly gulps. 'What's that?' Mum asks. 'We need to welcome James to the family.' Dad says and breaks into a smile. James and I both smile. 'Oh Harry, I thought you were gonna kill me.' James exclaims. 'Just for kissing my daughter? No way.' 'You kissed? Oh my god! Yay! Ashton! James and Darcy kissed!' Mum shouts to Ashton. I burn bright red. 'Harry, there's something I need to ask you.' James says and stands up and walks to dad. He leans in and whispers something to both mum and dad. They smile wide and mum squeals. 'Of course.' Harry says. I look intrigued at James as he turns back to me. He takes my hands and stands me up from the bed. I turn to watch mum and dad walk out and close the door. I hear my mum though. 'Oh my god Liam! Guess what?' I chuckle to myself as does James. 'Darcy Gemma Styles, will you be my girlfriend?' James asks. A grin forms on my face. 'Yes!' I exclaim and lean up to meet his lips. After awhile longer together, I walk him downstairs where his family is waiting. James laughs as he takes into view his parents. 'Hey son, anything you wanna tell us?' Liam asks, gesturing to James and I's entwined hands. 'Dad, Mum, siblings, you know Darcy right? My beautiful, smart, amazing girlfriend!' Everyone erupts into applause and I bury my head into my boyfriend's chest. The group gives us big hugs before James and his family head home and me and my family sit down together for dinner.

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