Chapter 1

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London's P.O.V.

I woke up to not only the sound of my alarm but faint yelling. I throw myself out of bed and walk to the door. I carefully open it and peer out. I can hear the yelling slightly louder now. I tiptoe to the top of the stairs and peer over the banister. I see my parents standing in the kitchen, yelling at each other. Probably over the phone bill or something.I tiptoe back into my room. I walk to my closet and swing open the door. I pick an outfit and head downstairs. My parents are still yelling. Just before I walk in my mom. yells 'You'd better sort this!' at my dad. I pour a quick drink of juice. I grab an apple and said 'I'll see you after school.' Then leave. I walk outside to where my friend and her brother are parked. I get in the back seat of the sea blue convertible. 'Hey guys.'I say. 'Hey London.'Kayleigh says. 'Hey.' Chris says. Chris starts the car. Just as he drives off, my mum walks out the house and slams the door. I shrug it off. We get to school. It's just a regular day as I walk through the hallways of South Hampstead High School. I pass the group of science fanatics and the mathletes. Finally the cheerleaders. I used to be a cheerleader but quit. Now cos I quit they quite often pick on me. Then just before I reach my class, I pass the football team. I used to date the captain but we broke up cos he preferred the captain of the cheer leading squad. Ashley. As I pass Devon and his team, they just laugh and snigger. I ignore them the rest of the day. Finally at the end of the day, I go to the car park to meet Kayleigh and Chris. I hop in the back of Chris' convertible once again as he drives off. We pull up to my house. 'Thanks guys, see ya tomorrow.'I say, getting out. They drive off with a wave. As I step in the house, I'm welcoming by raised voices, yelling at each other. I sigh, ignoring my parents stupid argument, as usual. I walk up to my room and throw my bag down. I flop on my bed. I sit quietly listening to the yells from downstairs. I grab the remote beside my bed and turn my stereo on. Wild Ones starts blaring through the speakers. I get up, dancing around the room. Suddenly there's heavy footsteps on the stairs. 'For the love of Christ, just let her be!'My mom's voice enters my ears. 'She'll bring the ceiling down with all that jumping!'My dad's voice booms. 'It's what 15 year olds do, Michael now leave her alone!' My dad then bursts through the door. I grab the remote turning the stereo off. 'Sorry dad.'I say. 'It's alright London don't worry about it.'My mom says.My dad slowly turns to look at my mom then walks out the room without a word. Mum flashes me a smile then leaves shouting after my dad. 'YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE CHILDISH DON'T YOU?!?!?!?'My mom yells. 'OH I'M CHILDISH?!?!?!?!'My dad yells. 'YES YOU ARE!!!!'Mom yells. I put my headphones on and do my homework. At dinner we sat in silence. Later that night, the house was silent. I woke up the next morning to shouting. I tiptoe out my room and peer over the banister. My dad's in his pajamas and there's a blanket and pillow on the couch. He must've slept there. I just ignore them, slipping back into my room. I go through the day as usual and arrive home to yelling. Again. I groan and go to my room. All night long it's yelling. Dinner is silent.Again. The next day, I'm woken by arguing. Again. This is the third day. I come home later that night to not just yelling but loud screaming.Dinner is filled with screams too. I go straight to my room and do homework then sleep.

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