Chapter 14

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London's P.O.V.
After Harry proposed, we all hung out for a few more hours then had dinner. Everyone left after dinner. Me and Harry watched films all night till finally at 11pm, Harry drags me to bed. For the next few days, we buy lots of baby stuff. We still have 3 days before Harry's show but he's leaving tomorrow. Right now, we're shopping for clothes for baby Ashton. I spot a jumper that says "I ❤️ My Daddy!". I pick it up. 'Harry?' I call. He spins round to me and his face breaks out into a massive smile. 'Aw babe.' He says, kissing me. I giggle as I turn back to the clothes. I spot a blue jumpsuit which I pick up too. I turn to Harry who's staring at something outside. My eyes follow his to a group of girls. I quickly turn back around which causes a sharp pain in my belly. 'Ow!' I say. I quickly feel hands on my waist. 'What's wrong baby?' Harry asks. 'I just turned too quickly that's all.' I say. Harry keeps his hands on my waist as we browse more clothes. After a load of shopping we head home. We put all Ashton's clothes away in his dresser and put the cot bedding in his new cot which we got yesterday. Harry kisses me before we get food and head to bed.
~3 months later~
Harry is coming home in 2 days. I'm due in a month so he's gonna be home in more than enough time. Me and the girls are chilling at home, watching movies since we are all bored! We sit watching chick flicks. 'I'm gonna go get a snack.' I say, getting up. 'Want a hand?' Dani asks. 'Nah I'm okay.' I walk into the kitchen and prepare a plate of cut up vegetables. I place a handful of cucumber sticks and carrot sticks with some dip on my plate. I pick up a carrot stick, dipping it in the dip and taking a bite. My belly feels a bit crampy, must be hunger. I take my plate back through. And eat up. The girls are staying tonight so after dinner we all go up to my room. I get into my bed while they dot about the room in sleeping bags.
~Next day~
Harry's coming home tomorrow!
I chill all day with the girls. I'm a bit crampy again. Could be Ashton is uncomfortable. We watch chick flicks all day again. I go to sleep that night still crampy. I wake up at 1am and ask Perrie to help me downstairs. As I fill my glass with water, I drop it into the sink as I feel liquid run down my leg. 'PERRIE!' I scream through pain. Soon enough Dani, Ellie and Dionne appear. 'Hey, it's okay.' Dani says. Ellie calls the hospital. 'Dionne, call Harry!' Perrie instructs as she tries to keep me calm. Dionne pulls out her phone and dials Harry.
Harry's P.O.V.
I get to see my fiancée tomorrow! She's due in a month. I can't wait for Ashton to get here. I'm sitting talking with Liam when my phone rings. Dionne? Oh god! 'Dionne?' I ask. 'Hi Harry!' 'Hey what's wrong?' I ask. I suddenly hear a scream in the background. 'It's London!' Another scream. 'WHATS WRONG DIONNE?!?!' I scream. Liam looks at me concerned. 'LONDON'S WATER BROKE!' She screams. My eyes widen. 'She's not due for a month!' 'We know!' I get up, rushing for my stuff. 'Tell her I'll be there as soon as I can! I'm going straight to the airport!' Dionne hangs up and I turn to Liam. 'London's water broke!' I exclaim. Soon the boys and me are at the airport, rushing to get to my fiancée. The whole plane flight home, I'm worried as hell! Poor London, she's got the girls but she needs me there! The boys try to keep me calm but it's not easy. As soon as we arrive in London, I call Dionne. She tells me what hospital London is in. I dash there as fast as I can. I run to the front desk, the boys quickly behind me. 'London Styles!' I say quickly. 'Room 207 Mr Styles.' I run as fast as I can to the stairs. I dash up to the second floor. 'You couldn't have taken the lift?!?!' Louis yells. I ignore him and rush towards London's room. Dionne meets me outside. 'She needs you Haz.' I dart in and to my beautiful fiancée's side. 'Hey baby, I got here as quick as I could!' I say. London squeezes my hand tight, screaming. It hurts but I don't care. London as been in labour for around 5 hours now. 'She's 8cm dilated. She can push soon.' The doctor says. London screams loudly.
~ 2 hours later~
The doctor checks London before turning to me. 'She's ready to push for this little one.' London squeezes my hand tighter than before, screaming loudly.
~1 hour later~
London keeps pushing as I encourage her as well as Perrie. 'Come on darling, almost there, push!' London groans loudly as she pushes. 'That's a good girl, push!' London groans louder. 'That's it! One more big push darling!' London groans loudly and the pain in my hand, I groan loudly too. The doctor smiles and I hear my son let out a cry. The doctor lifts our little guy in the air. 'Welcome to the world little guy!' Perrie coos. Our little guy strikes a pose and everyone laughs. The doc wraps him up and hands him to London. 'Welcome to the world Ashton Tanner Styles.' London smiles. I start crying with happy tears. 'I'm a daddy! I'm a daddy! I'm a freaking daddy!' I chant. All the guys come in with the girls. London quickly whispers to me. 'Can Perrie be the godmother?' I nod my head. 'And Zayn the godfather?' London nods. 'Zayn, Perrie!' They lift their eyes from Ashton to us. 'Will you be Ashton's God parents?' Their faces light up. 'Of course!' Perrie squeals. Zayn grins madly, pulling Perrie close. Looks like things are gonna work out for Ashton! Amazing godparents and even more amazing parents! I love our son, I love my beautiful fiancée and our amazing family journey is only just beginning.....Next stop- OUR WEDDING!!!!!!
~8 months later~
London's P.O.V.
It's been 8 months since little Ashton was born. He's a star. Sleeps right through. He's an angel. Me and Harry get married NEXT WEEK!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! I will finally be Mrs London Styles!!!! I got a call from my dad the other day. He told me he wanted to see me and give me away at my wedding. I told him I didn't care to see him! I've already asked my brother to give me away. He's doing well for himself. He came to see me today to help with last minute preparations.
~A week later~
Today's the day. I'm marrying Harry Styles. I stand in the hall area with my brother. 'You ready sis?' He asks. 'Ready Scott!' Scott walks me down the aisle and hands me to Harry with a smile. I look to Perrie who's standing behind me at the altar with Dani, Ellie, Dionne and Ashton.
~A few hours later~
I am officially married! I'm officially London Styles. I am the happiest woman alive. Amazing husband, gorgeous life is perfect.....

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