Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-Harry's P.O.V.

A few days later,London gets a call. 'Hello?' 'Oh hi dad, what's up?' She asks, not too happily. 'What?You're what? Okay I'll be right over.'She says. 'My dad decides he's moving to bloody Bradford so I need to go get my stuff and take it to my mum's!' London says, getting up. We go get her stuff and take it to her mum's. She stays at her house that night. I couldn't sleep without her beside me! Next thing I know, she's calling me. 'Hey baby!'I say. 'Hey, I can't sleep without you!' She says. 'Me either.'I say. 'My mom says you're welcome here anytime so if you want you can come back to stay.' I say. 'No, I need to try make this work.' We talk all night and fall asleep about 6am. I wake up at like 8am. London's beside my bed. 'We have school silly billy get up!'She says. I get up, forgetting I'm in just boxers. London giggles. I look down. 'Oh sorry baby!'I say. 'Its cool.'She says. We go to school. And come back, except London went home. I tell my mum about not sleeping last night. London either. 'Well if its alright with her mum, she's more than welcome to live here with us, Harry!'She says. My heart skips a beat. 'Really?'I ask. 'Yes son, really!' She says, laughing. I run off to call London. 'I'll ask her right now!'She says. I sit patiently waiting till she comes back to the phone. 'HARRY SHE SAID I CAN!!!!'London practically screams. 'YAY!! I'm on my way over to help you pack!'I say. I drive to London's. We pack up her room and drive back to mine. I carry a bunch of boxes up to my room. I place them done. 'Welcome to OUR room!'I say. London hugs me tightly. My mum walks in. 'You were already part of the family, now you live with the family which makes you 100% family!' She says. 'Not 100% yet! That happens on our wedding day!'I say, rather proud. My mum laughs while I watch as London's face burns bright red, giggling into my chest. A few months later, me and London are absolutely perfect. She's best friends with my mum, she gets on really well with Gemma, her and Robin always have good laughs and she's usually always on the phone to my dad. They two really do get on! And I'm taking her to meet him this weekend! Friday comes and we take our train to Manchester. We arrive at my dads house and he meets us on the path. London smiles widely as he rushes over, lifting her up and giving her the biggest hug ever! We spend all weekend together and to make things better, I auditioned for X-Factor while I was there and I passed my audition with mine and London's song, Isn't She Lovely, by Stevie Wonder. London cried so hard. A few months later, I'm on X-Factor but I thought it was the end for me as I was being sent home, till my name was called with 4 other guys. Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan! My new band mates. We hung out for a few days, having fun. We then decided to call ourselves One Direction. If I so myself, we were a big hit on X-Factor. Unfortunately a few weeks down the line we were off the X-Factor, got voted off, in 3rd place. But we knew it wasn't the end and we were right. We had fans that spread the word about us, all over the world. Soon we were signed to a label and we were releasing our first single What Makes You Beautiful! Me and London are still together and as strong as can be.

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