Chapter 4

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'Are you okay?' A voice enters my ears. I glance slightly up towards the person. I catch a look at the person. It's a guy. He's covered in tattoos and piercings. I recognize him. It's Harry.The bad boy of the school. I see the concern in his face. He rolls his eyes and says 'Of course you're not, that was a stupid question, I'm sorry.' He says, hand out. I just bury my head in my knees and cry harder. I suddenly feel a tingling in my shoulder. I look up to see Harry kneeling beside me with a hand on my shoulder. 'If you want you can tell me what's wrong.'He says. 'I'm a good listener.'He says, smirking slightly. I smile up at him. He smiles back. 'Um it's my parents.'I say. 'Have they made you this upset?'He asks. I nod. 'What'd they do?' 'They've been fighting and screaming a lot and last night.....'I pause, having the screams and shatters run through my mind. I close my eyes and bite my lip. 'Hey, it's okay, take your time.'He says. 'They broke stuff and when I woke this morning my mom told me they were getting a divorce and I have to choose who I wanna live with and I just don't know what to do.' He puts his arms around me. 'I know it's hard, I went through the same thing as a kid.' He says. I look up at him. 'Yes, my parents are divorced and my mum's remarried to another man, he's nice though but yeah.'He says. I don't know why but I just pull myself into him and hug him tightly.And I don't know why but he didn't pull away but he pulled me closer. Anyone could feel the connection between us. Like when someone lights off a bunch of fireworks. I know this is the first time I've conversed with him but I think I'm in love with him. He leans down and kisses my forehead. Suddenly, a loud voice booms in my ears. 'London?!?!?' A voice I know so well. Chris. I look up as does Harry. 'Um what's going on here?' 'What's it to you?'Harry asks. 'Um she's my best friend.'Chris says. 'I was only making sure she was alright.'Harry says. 'Well you don't need too.'Chris says, pulling me to my feet and into his arms. 'It's okay, I won't let him hurt you.'He whispers down to me. 'Hey, just cos I'm known as the bad boy of the school doesn't mean I'm gonna hurt her.'Harry says,standing up.'It means exactly that!'Chris says. 'Come on, let's go!' Chris says, pulling me off. 'No,No,NO!' I scream. Chris looks at me shocked. I look over to Harry. He's got his hands shoved in his pockets, head down, his messy brown curls flapping in his eyes. 'I'm not going with you.'I say to Chris. Harry's head raises slightly. 'I'm staying with Harry.'I say,walking to him. His head shoots up. Chris grabs my arm. I turn to him. 'You don't wanna do that.'Chris says. 'And why not?' I ask, annoyed. 'If you go to him, I walk away, I walk away from you, away from us, away from everything.' Chris says. 'What us? There is no us, Chris!'I say. 'And what's wrong with Harry eh?' 'He's not good enough for you, he'll just break your heart and I can't stay and watch you get hurt.' Chris says. 'Then DON'T!'I say, pulling from his grip. I smile at Harry and pull his head up fully. Chris walks off. 'Why?'Harry asks. 'Why what?'I ask. 'Why'd you choose me? No one ever chooses me! So why you?'He asks, moving a piece of hair from my face. 'I don't know I guess I'd just prefer to talk to you.'I say. 'But you've just lost Chris cos you chose me.'He says. 'He'll come around.'I say. 'And what if he doesn't?'Harry asks. 'Don't constantly look at the bad side of things.'I say. He just looks at me. 'And if he doesn't well it doesn't matter, as long as I have you around, I won't need him.'I say. Harry sighs, looking at the ground again. 'Hey, what's wrong?'I ask. 'I....I don't know, I guess I'm just afraid that like everyone else, you'll just use me and then leave.'He says. 'Harry......have you had your heart broken?'I ask. He nods slightly. I pull him into a hug. 'Aw Harry.' He hugs me back. 'I promise I won't use you like whoever hurt you,Harry.' I say. 'She's the reason I turned into um well I guess you could say....rebel. I just kinda went downhill and made some bad decisions and got tattoos, piercing etc.' He says. 'Don't worry,Harry, I promise I won't hurt you and I'll do my best to help you get over her.'I say, smiling. 'You don't have to do that but I do wanna help you get through your parents divorce.' 'No I wanna help you.' 'Then we can help each other. Now come on, let's get you to class.'Harry says. 'Noooo, I don't wannaaaa.'I say. 'Why?'Harry laughs. 'My teacher hates me.' I mumble. 'I'm sure thats not true.' 'It is! He picks on me all the time, he gives me the hardest questions and always gives me this glare and if I get it right he gives me The Death Stare but if I get it wrong, he stands and smirks!'I say. 'Which teacher is it?'Harry asks. 'Mr Black.'I mumble. 'Just ignore him.' 'No, I really don't wanna go.' 'Well I gotta go back to class, so you should too.'He says. I groan. Harry laughs and drags me up the hall. 'I gotta go this way but your class is just up there so I'll text you later.'He says and walks onto his class. I wait till he goes in and I turn and go back down the hall. I walk to the exit and outside. I don't know where I'm going, probably just home to be honest.

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