Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-London's P.O.V.

We arrive at Harry's house. He takes me inside. 'Mom?'Harry calls out. 'In the kitchen, son.' A woman calls back. He walks into the kitchen, ahead of me. He kisses his mom's cheek. 'I want you to meet someone.'He says. Harry pulls me into the kitchen and into his arms. 'Mom, meet London, London meet my mom.' Harry says. 'Hi I'm Anne Twist, but you can call me momma.' She says, hugging me. I giggle slightly. 'Okay, so you've met my mom, do you wanna meet my step-dad,Robin?'Harry asks. I nod. We go upstairs and into like a study. 'Robin.'Harry says. 'Oh hey Harry, who's the pretty girl you've got there, that your girlfriend?'Robin asks. I giggle. 'No, she's just a friend, Robin.' Harry says, laughing. 'Well, nice to meet you anyways, darling.'Robin says. 'You too.'I say. We go to Harry's room. We talk and laugh all night long. I feel a lot better than I did. I change into my PJ's and fall asleep next to Harry. Next day, I go to school then back to Harry's, same for the next 3 days. It's been 4 days since my mom left. Harry is my rock, he's the one keeping me sturdy and holding me up. He listens to me when I need someone to talk to, he gives me advice when I'm lost and he hugs me when I'm sad. He's the best friend ever. I decide to go home. Harry drives me home after school. I step in the door and I'm intoxicated by the smell of alcohol. I start gagging on the smell. Harry walks in with my bags. 'What's up?'He asks. Then it hits him. 'Woah, that's strong.' He says. I walk to the couch. There's 3 empty beer bottles on it. About another 4 on the coffee table. I walk into the kitchen to find about 6 more bottles and my dad passed out on the floor. 'Dad?'I ask, shaking him. He wakes up. 'Huh?'He asks. 'Dad, you can't drink your sorrows and pain away.' I say. 'Yes I can!'He half-yells. 'No you can't, dad.' 'Yes I can, when you get dumped, you'll understand.' He groans. I grab a glass and fill it with water, I then throw it over his head, walking out. Harry just smirks. 'What you smirking at?'I ask. 'Nothing.' He says. I roll my eyes going upstairs. I grab some more clothes and head back to Harry's.

2 weeks later

Harry's P.O.V.

London's been staying at my place for 2 weeks now. It's been nice. Her and my mom get on so well and she gets on with Robin. She's just perfect. You'd never know she's broken or hurting. Here we are, chilling in my room. Her playing guitar,while we both sing. 'God I love singing with you.'She says. I smile. This is such a perfect moment. She then gets a text. She looks at it. Her eyes widen. 'What?'I ask. She jumps up. 'Cameron, just asked me on a date!'She says. Perfect moment over. I feel like my heart just broke. 'Oh, cool.' I say. A few hours later she heads out with him. She comes back around 7pm, smiling. She talks on and on about Cameron to my mom and Robin. 'He's so perfect.' She says. My mom awes. A few weeks later, she's been back at her dads and been going on several dates with Cameron. Chris won't talk to her still and she doesn't have time for anyone but Cameron. Tonight, my mom invited her over for dinner to meet my sister Gemma who's home from college. We're all sitting at the table. London's telling Gemma all about Cameron. 'Oh, Anne, I almost forgot to tell you.'London starts. 'Yeah?' My mom says. 'Me and Cameron kissed tonight!'London says. 'Oooo!' My mom says. That was the last straw. I stand up, walking to my room, not wanting to hear another word about Cameron. A few minutes later, London appears. 'Hey Mr Grumpy, what's wrong?'She asks. 'Nothing!'I spit at her. 'Come on you can tell me!' She says. 'Fine! I hate Cameron so damn much and it just makes me angry when you go on and on about him okay? THERE! I said it! Happy now?' I just let it out. London just sits there shocked. She gets up, walking out. I hear the front door shut. Great, I've pushed her away, just like everyone else. I sit there and cry. I end up crying myself to sleep. I wake up the next morning, kinda angry but upset too. I change and then go down to the home gym. I work out for hours then rest and cry then jog later at night. I do this for a few days. Gemma then knocks on my door. 'Harry? What's up?'She asks. I just shake my head. 'You've not gone to school or did anything but exercise since you spoke to London the other night, what'd you's say?'She asks. 'I snapped at her and pushed her away like everyone else!'I say. 'Really? You think you pushed her away?'She asks. 'I know I have!'I say. 'I doubt it, just call her.'Gemma says and leaves. Later that night, the doorbell goes off and I hear London's voice. Damn it. I hear footsteps then there's a knock on my door. The person enters. It's London. She walks towards me. She kneels beside me. 'Hi Harry.'She says. I look up at her, then put my head in my knees again. 'I err broke up with Cameron the other day.'She says. 'What?'I ask. 'I realised I didn't love him, that I loved someone else.'She says. 'Oh yeah? Who?'I ask. 'You!'She says. My heart skips a beat. I look up into her eyes. 'Even after I snapped at you like that?'I ask. She nods. I smile, so does she. Suddenly, she grabs my face and pulls my lips to hers. Best.....Feeling......EVVVVEEERRR.....

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