Chapter 20

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3 years Later

Ashton is now 20 and engaged to Casey. Darcy and James are going strong 3 years into their relationship and are now 18. Zoey is now 17 and is best friends with Lilly aged 16. Zoey has a boyfriend of 1 year named Kyle and is currently 12 weeks pregnant. Her dad got really mad at Kyle but he loves Zo to bits. Leo is 15 as is Claire and they're just got together. Liam got a bit mad when they got together in case Leo turned out a bit of bad boy like his dad but anyone can see he loves Claire. Tomas is now 13, Madison 11 and Dayton 8. 

Niall also has another 3 children! Rory and Reece aged 2 who are identical twin boys and little Rose who is 3 months old. I swear he's just gonna keep popping them out. Harry and London have just found out they're expecting a third child. However not everyone is too happy about that.

London's P.O.V.

I'm sat in the doctor's office. I'm worried about what she thinks is wrong. She's asked for a urine sample and a blood sample. I've just given the blood and she's dip sticking the urine currently. I watch her face change as she the results come up. She then reaches into the drawer and pulls out a white packet and opens it up to another test. It looks like a pregnancy way. She dips it into my urine and waits.Her face changed once again and she turns to me with a small smile playing on her lips. 'Well would appear you're pregnant.' My mouth drops open in shock. 'What?' I ask. 'You're pregnant, Mrs Styles.' 'No. No way. There's gotta be some mistake.' 'Well I'll rush your blood sample through as urgent and I'll phone you this afternoon to confirm.' 'Okay. Okay.' 'Are you alright, Mrs Styles?' She asks. 'Um yeah. There's just gotta be some mistake.' 'It is possible. But we'll be sure this afternoon. Try not to worry too much.' I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and then take a deep breath. I leave the doctor's surgery and meet up with Harry at the supermarket up the road. He leans in and kisses my deeply as he always does. He pulls back and we smile. 'Mmmm never gets old.' He says. He wraps my hand in his and we walk into the store. We do our shopping then put it all in the car before walking into the town. Upon walking around the town, my phone rings. The doctor. I answer the phone while walking. 'Hello?' I ask. 'Hello Mrs Styles, it's Dr Nelson.' 'Hello Doctor.' 'I just thought I'd give you a wee phone. I rushed through your blood result as emergency and I've just received the call 5 minutes ago.' 'Oh wow that was quick. Only an hour?' I ask. 'Yes, the lab isn't that far away and it was tested as soon as it arrived.' There's a few moments silence. 'The blood result confirmed that your urine sample was indeed........correct....You're pregnant Mrs Styles.' I stop walking and Harry looks to me confused. 'Mrs Styles?' She asks when I'm silent. 'There has to be some mistake.' 'No, Mrs Styles, no mistake was made. You are indeed pregnant. A good few weeks along I'd say. I shall book you in with the midwife, how's tomorrow?' She asks. 'Um I guess.' '10.20AM?' She asks. 'Um sure.' 'Great. Congratulations Mrs Styles. Goodbye.' 'Bye Doctor.' I hang up the phone and continue staring at it. 'Babe?.......Baby?......London?' Harry asks, trying to get my attention. 'I-I'm sorry Harry. I can't.' I say and take off, rushing up the street. Harry soon loses sight of me in the crowd and I dash into a pharmacy. My phone begins ringing and I shut it off. I rush to the family planning aisle. I grab one pack of cheap tests, one pack of their own brand, one pack of normal Clearblue and one pack of Digital Clearblue. Once I'v purchased my items, I rush outside and into the first cab waiting. I tell the driver Danielle and Liam's address. I quickly pay the driver and rush up the front path, knocking urgently on the door. Liam answers the door. 'London?' He asks. I throw my arms around him. 'Please don't tell Harry I'm here.' I plead. 'Okay? What's wrong?' He asks. I break down in tears and Danielle rushes in. 'London! What's wrong?' She asks. I lift the bag up and both their eyes widen. They rush me in and pull me to the toilet. Danielle rummages in the bathroom cupboard and pulls out a pack of urine sample collection pots. 'I had them since I was pregnant with Claire. Had them a long time but still usable.' She explains. 'She come through to the kitchen with the sample, I'll get the tests ready.' I nod and she leaves. Once I've finished, I take my sample to the kitchen and place it on the kitchen draining board. Dani has all the tests ready. I dip all the tests in, one after the other, handing them to Dani and Liam. They all lay on the kitchen island. We wait 3 minutes then look. They all read the same thing.......Positive or two lines. I break down in tears. 'It's okay, it's okay.' Dani comforts. 'No it's not! Harry is going to be so mad!' 'What? Why would he be mad?' Liam asks. 'Liam, we're late 30's and our eldest is 20....20! He's old enough to be a father himself! And so is our youngest who's 18! What am I gonna do?' I ask, panicked. 'First of all, you're going to calm down. You have a baby in there. And at your age, you're high risk.' Liam points out. I realise he's right. It doesn't matter what I think or Harry thinks. The baby is the most important factor here. I take a deep breath. 'You're right.' After a bit more talking, I turn my phone on to 17 missed calls and 7 texts from Harry. I press the call button. 'Baby! Where are you? What happened?' Harry asks. 'I'm at Danielle and Liam's. I'm sorry I freaked out over what the doctor said. I'm sorry.' 'As long as you're okay babe.' 'Yeah I think so.' 'I need to get this shopping home. Come home please?' He asks. 'Yeah babe, I'll meet you at home.' 'I'll drive you.' Liam says. 'Liam will drive me. I'll be home soon baby okay?' 'Okay, I love you.' 'I love you too Harry.' I hang up the phone, gather up my tests and Liam drives me home. I give him a hug before walking up the path, to be met my Harry's arms around me. I breathe out deeply as I relax into his chest. We walk inside and sit down. 'What did the doctor say, baby?' He asks. I just hand him the bag full of tests. Harry's mouth forms an 'O'. 'I'm pregnant.' Harry looks over at me. 'Oh my god. We're having another baby!' Harry exclaims and hugs me. 'You're not mad?' I ask. 'No! Why would I be?' 'Well we're late 30's and our children are old enough to have children.' 'Baby, I'm not mad. I'm happy. It'll be nice to have a baby around the house again.' 'Yeah you're right. We just need to break the news to the kids.' 'Yeah. Darcy will be happy for sure.' Harry says. 'Yeah she will. She's always wanted to be a big sister, I don't know why we never had anymore before now to be honest.' 'I know. I think we got into a habit of using condoms for awhile.' Harry laughs. 'Oh yeah speaking of, when did we stop using them?' 'Literally 8 weeks ago.' Harry says. 'Okay, the test says 3+ weeks. I've got a midwife appointment tomorrow.' 'Okay, we'll tell the kids tonight.'

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