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Meanwhile in the stairwell with Roc

She's really over me wow I've always imagine this moment... Now Ace and I can be toghter because Tea doesn't care haha

As I made my way to my room I thought about how hurt Tea sounds. It kind of makes me feel bad. I know I know roc is a big softy. But I actually liked Tea some time ago.

But ( sighs deeply) long ago I was in love with a girl name Stacy. She broke my heart in so many pieces I didn't no what to do with my life. I told my self the next girl that likes me I would reject her and treat her like dirt to make her feel how I felt. I knew me liking Ace would just get under Tea's skin but along me pretending I really started to like Ace.

Ray's pov

So I know you think this whole situation is cra-cra right well me to. Personally I think Ace should just date me because we just click but no she wants to run behind Princeton all the time . And idk wazup with Tea we talk and stuff but she's more of Prod's friend than mine. Wait maybe that's it if I get close to Tea maybe she would tell me how to get Ace. Smart plane nice thinking Ray.

Ace's pov

So the mall was kind of lonely with out my bestie but, I got through it now I'm on my way home. I kinda feel bad for Tea she fell hard for Roc and he just treats her so bad. I know Prince ignores me, but Roc is just plane mean and if thinks that's winning my heart he better think again.

(Walks in the house)

Me- I'm back !!!!!! ( Walks in the living room to see Prof and Tea talking)

Tea- and I just don't know any more

Me-know what

Tea- Oh uhhhh if I can ummm eat another pear that's all its been this week pears.

Me- Yeah pears

Prod- Well I'll leave you two to talk

( Prod goes to his room)

Tea- Well as you may know that's not what we were talking about.

Me- Yes I'm aware

Tea- So I think I'm, no I know I'm finally over Roc

Me- Why?

Tea- Ace do you see the way he treats me!

Me- But Tea we came here to live out dream and date our favorite boys!

Tea- Well sometimes dreams change!

Me-No people change

Tea- What are you trying to say!

Me- Nothing

Tea- No Ace tell me

Me- Its just I feel like its my fault he doesn't like you

Tea- no no don't feel that way. Roc is just a big dumb jack azz

Me- ( giggles) I guess

Ray- Oh what's up Tea

Tea- Hey Ray Ray

Me-Yeah hey Ray

Ray- I was getting to you (Ray go hugs Ace) What we talking about?

Me-Nothing much just that Roc is a jerk

Ray- So you finally noticed

Tea- Definitely

Ray- Its about time! He is really disrespectful  but he's been thur somethings.

Me- However that's no excuse

Tea- What happened to him that's so bad? Because I'm sure it's no reason to treat me like dirt!

Ray- Ask him I don't want to put his business out their like that

Tea- Sure like he's really gonna talk to me

Ray- Just say Stacy and he'll tell you

Prod's Pov

So as you can see Tea and I are pretty close. She is like one of my best friends but thats all. I wanted to be more than just friends at first. But that changed. However when she told me she was done with Roc I was happy as crap for some reason.

Knock- knock

Me- yeah

Tea- Can we finish talking meet me in my room

Me- Okay... Well off I go ( walks out and goes to Tea's room)

Prince's pov

So I've been reading this book for almost two hours. I feel like I know her whole life story. Creepy I know but her life is so interesting. I found out she like me! Score!!!! But she said she feels bad because of Ace. I need a plan to get Ace off and get Tea but I'm going to need some help. So I go to ray's room. Dang he's not there so I went to the living room

Ace- Hey Prince

Me-Oh uhh hi Ace have you seen Ray?

Ace- He just went in the kitchen

Me- Thanks ( runs to the kitchen)

Ace- I think he's finally warming up to me.

Rays pov

So prince comes running in like crazy man.And he starts telling me about his plan and I like it. I'll go along with it  I hope it works.

☀Next day☀

Rocs pov/Roc's dream

He is laying on the beach sunset was perfect and Ace and him were admiring the beautiful colors in the sky. Ace lens in a kisses Roc passionately.

Ace- I love you Roc

Me- I love you too Tea

Ace- What???!!!!

*Wakes up*

Holy crap what I love tea no no no I like ace this can't be happening.


Short chapter but the juicy stuff is coming soon!!!!!

Well tonight matter of fact... But anyway enjoy!!!

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