Just when I thought u were different

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Ace's pov

So Ray song to me that was so nice but I never really listened to the words until now that song has a lot a meaning to it. But it's Ray he probably just like the song and wanted to rap it plus he knows I like Prince so he couldn't mean those words right?

Tea- What what you thinking about?

Me-Oh nothing just how we should do that singing thing more often

Tea- Yeah it was nice, a new way to express yourself

Me- So what you think about everyone's choice

Tea- That they ment what they said inspecialy Ray he look liked he was really in to his

Me-Really ?

Tea's pov

I gotta go with the plan I know you think it's because I want Prince. But no I want Ace to be happy like I am with out Roc.

Me- Yes really, well I be back I'ma go see where everybody sleeping

Ace's pov

Wow what if Tea was right she wouldn't tell my nothing wrong but I'll just think on it.

Prince- Ace we need to talk meet me in my room in about five minutes


Roc's pov

So close to kissing Tea I need to know what it feels like.... Wait what am I saying forget if I didn't happen maybe it wasn't meant to be I just need to keep my focus on Ace and only Ace.

Tea- Hey Roc

Me- *Looks away*

Tea- I said hey Roc

Me- * Does a nonchalant wave*

Tea- Okay this crap again... You are something else just when I though things could change... Why am I even wasting my breath on you *walks away*

Me- Tea wait 

What the heck Roc why did I just say that 

Me-I'm sorry Tea I just I just

Tea- You just what Roc? Why do you treat me like this I didn't do anything to deserve this *starts to cry* all I did was try to love you and u treat me like crap

Me-You don't understand

Tea-Understand what?

Me-*Looks down and is quite*

Tea- That's what I thought *Runs to her room*

Prod's pov

So everything's going great..... Until I hear arguing come from the other side of the game room. So I stop kissing Keke and listened then I realized it was Roc and Tea. Really now of all times.

Me- Look Keke I'm gonna go check on Roc can you see if Tea is okay

Keke- yeah *gave her a quick kiss and went to Roc*

Me-Man, what did you do now roc

Roc- Prod I know it's just... I can't stop it's like every time I feel like I have feelings for Tea I just think about how I was treated and it makes me treat her that way

Me-Roc get over it! When will you realize that's the pass you have a girl that practically throws her self at you and you won't even give her the time of day.

Roc-I just need some time to think *goes to his room*

Prince's pov

Ace- *Sits on the bed* So what did you want to talk about?

Me-Why the heck you pulled my behind the couch

Ace- Because Prince I want you to want me and that seemed like the only way at the time to get your attention

Me-By tripping me up and kissing me!?

Ace- Yup

Me- No Ace, we can be friends but I'm just not that into you

Ace- I know you aer and I'll wait

Me-Ace get it though your head you and I are not happening

Ace- *Gets angry* I don't know why you keeping chasing after a person that doesn't even like you she told you her self

Me- Well I know she lying

Ace- She said she would turn gay before she like you

Prince-Well she must be gay then because she likes me

Ace- Prince just listen to me I know I come off pretty strong but just give me a try and if it doesn't work than keep chasing Tea

Me- Look Ace, I feel where your coming from. I'll give it a try on this date and if it doesn't work out than you have to please get over me

Ace- Deal


Out no where I hear I door slam

Me-What was that?

Ace- I don't know but imma check on everyone down stairs *walks out his room*

I walk to Tea's room *knock knock*

Tea- *Still crying*  Go away 

I walk in...I know she needs me right now

But I'm yours (a mindless behavior love story)Where stories live. Discover now