sorry for the wait

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So I'm BACKKKKKK!!!it's been forever I know but something happened to my iPod a while back and I thought I lost the story but turns out I emailed the hole thing to myself before so yayyyyyyy it's back!!!!

Okay quick recap:

Tea and rock are dating sort of

So is prince and ace

Key and prod

Ray and star are as well

Tea and prince are not on speaking terms neither is ace and roc

They are having a beach party to just chill and relax  before they start 8 hour long rehearsal days for  their up coming tour.

On to the story.....


Prod's pov

prince and them already left so me and key got a ride wit tea she drove roc, us and ray in her 3 row range rover. I'm kinda nervous to see beauty I haven't seen her since the break-up. But I got my boo key wit me so that should help.

Ray- road trip !!!!!!!

Tea- hell yeah

We laugh

Roc- everyone got every thing

Us- yuppp

Roc- extra clothes sun block sun glasses flip gco

Tea- yes roc that's apart of everything

Roc- ok than let's go

We pull of and began our trip I mean the beach isn't that far but we like to be dramatic. Around 5 o clock we got their and diggy was grilling but everyone else was still in the house.

Keke's pov

So we walked in the house and was greeted. But this pink headed girl keeps staring at me like wtf.

Me-*whispers* tea y is she staring

Tea-*whispers* maybe because she doesn't know u don't trip she's cool people

Me- umhun

I walk over to her

Me- hi I'm keyanna but people call me keke *sticks out hand*

Beauty- *shakes hand* I'm beauty nice to meet u sorry about the stair off I was just trying to see if we meet before

Me- no problem

Beauty- hey I love that top

Me- aww thanks but ur glasses r to die for

Beauty- thank you but let me show u to the restroom

Me- ok

We walked down the hall and the door two the right I walked in and changed. Came back out and beauty was there .

Me- oh thanks for waiting

Beauty- no problem but question

Me- shoot

Beauty- r u tea's cuzin

Me- lol no were just really good friends well actually she's my god sister our parents been friends since diapers

Beauty- oh that's nice


Beauty seems pretty cool I think I'll stick around wit her for a little bit .

Roc's pov

So far no drama, we're all at the beach now prod,Babydoll, keke,ray, are playing volleyball. Me and tea are sitting on the sand with our feet in the water.

Tea- isn't this great *leans head on my shoulder*

Me- yeah almost

Tea looked up at me and I kissed her

Tea-*blushes* ur right now it is

Me- yup but u know what


I splashed  her wit the some ocean water and I took off running.

Tea- what the heck *takes off running*


And we are back in business people!!!!!

So sorry for the wait but enjoy!!!


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