Bffl my @zz

273 6 3

Roc's pov

All  I hear is them yelling while I'm tring to feel bad here. Then I hear a door slam and someone run down the steps. I go down to see who it is and its Tea, dang now I really feel bad. It's all my fualt if I just would have showed her my true feelings. Wait I don't even know what's going on why am I blaming myself already.

I walk to the couch and sits next to her

Me- Are you okay?

Tea- Yeah Roc I'm just crying for my health

Roc- I'm not really good at this comforting stuff so cut the sarcasm. What's wrong

Tea- Why do you even care?

Roc- I'm trying to be nice

Tea- For what to kiss Ace's butt

Roc- Why are you being such an azz

Tea- Your the azz! You hurt me Roc, to the core and when I finally get over you, you try to act nice! Cut the bull I see right pass you

Roc- No you don't. I wasn't trying to kiss Ace butt Im truly trying care

Tea- What ever just leave me alone

Roc- Fine but you look dumb keep chasing after me anyway because I don't want you and never will you're nothing like Ace and will never be

Tea-*begins to cry harder* Exactly what I expected. Why do you treat me this way? Is it because of Stacy uhh is that why! What did I ever do to you!

I look stare at the wall as I feel tears  rolling down his face
Me- Yes I loved her with all my heart and she just spat on it and crushed it like in was a glass bottle. I tried to get over it but when I seen you and the connection we had I just thought of how bad I was treated. So I vowed the next girl I fall for should be rejected so I won't feel the pain Stacy caused me.

Tea- I don't know what to say.....except that I hate you, you sick bastered!! *runs to her room*

What have I just done???


Ray's pov

Me- Aye anybody seen Roc?

Prod- He's probably in his room crying

Diggy- *chuckles* What he sweet for it

Prod- Nahh it's not like that he just going through some things

Diggy- Oh true but where Prince at?

Me- Good question where is he *hears yelling*do y'all here that

Prod- Shh listen

Diggy- Who is that 

Me- It sounds like Ace and Char

Diggy- Not my baby

Prod-Wait I hear Tea and Keke

We hear the whole conversation including the part about tea kissing prince and that Tea liked him first

Me- Haha I knew it

Diggy- Knew what

Me- Tea liked prince

Prod- I been hip that's my bestie

Diggy- Dang man, Prince is always starting something

We hears the door slam

Me-Who ever that slammed that door is pissed

Diggy- Come on lets go check on them

Prod- Give them some time to cool off first


Prod- Who is it

???- it's me

Prod- Come in

Keke walks in

Keke- Did y'all hear that?

Us- Yeah

Keke- Good I didn't feel like explaining but Ray you need to talk to Ace she's in her room crying really bad

Me- Ight I'll be back y'all

Diggy- Im going to check on Char

Prince 's pov

Wow that kiss was amazing but it would have been better if she didn't pull away. Imma get her one way or the other. I'm on my way down stairs until I hear something hard hit a wall. It sounds like it came from Roc's room. I walk in his room and see him punching the wall repeatedly.

Prince- Woo Roc stop

Roc- Leave me alone Princeton

Prince- No you need to stop it

Roc- Why me man?

I watch Roc as he sits on the bed and put his hands in his head

Prince- Why you what?

Roc- Always hurt her. I like her I really do but something in my mind keeps telling me to be a jerk

Prince- Just follow your heart. If it says Ace then be with Ace but don't say you like Tea because you feel bad for how you treat her

Roc's thoughts: dang I forgot I lied to Prince he never knew I liked Tea from jump

Roc-Yeah maybe I should just be her friend

We hear a door slam

Me- Well thats your chance

Roc- How do you know it's her

Me- She always slam the door when shes mad

Roc- Oh okay here goes nothing

Back to where we left off

Ace's pov

How could she? My one true best friend.

Ray walks through the door

Ray- What's going on is everything okay?

Char- No Ray every thing is not okay

Diggy- Come on babe let's go to the spear room and talk this out

Me- *in tears* Ray please leave

Ray-No we're going to talk this out

Ace- The only thing that need to be talked out is the hoe moving out

Ray- Wow Ace I thought that was yourbest friend

Ace- I thought so to...but that slut kissed my man

Ray- She's not a slut, if anything you should be mad at your self

Ace- Look I don't need this right now. Get out!

Ray- What ever. When you come to your senses come talk to me *leaves the room*

How is it my fault should I have heard her side... No no no Im always seconded guessing myself she could have moved her face away from his she seen it coming heck I even seen it coming. Wait I seen it coming.....

Keke's pov

I can't believe this just happened! Like what the heck Ace didn't even here her side of the story I just need to get away before i say some hurtful stuff but this stupid storm.

Prod- You alright Key

Me- Kind of

Prod- How about we go to the guest house to get your mind off this you seem stress

Me- Okay but no funny business Prodigy

Prod- Whaaaaat me never

We laugh and sneak out to the guest house to be alone

But I'm yours (a mindless behavior love story)Where stories live. Discover now