Don't change because im done

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Tea's pov

I woke feeling great today I guess me not worrying about roc really payed off. So I did my hygiene routine and got dressed in a black and white misfits shirt some red short shorts wit my red lipstick and some black vans with my hair in a bun.

Ace- good morning, ooowww look at u all dressed pretty

Me- thanks but u need to get dressed to don't think I didn't forget about best friend day.

Ace- ok I'll be back(in her termnatior voice)

(ace went to put on some black short shorts with a white tank-top and a jean vest over it wit some gray vans. High ponytail)

Ace- so what we gonna do today!!

Me- I got it all planed out 1. Go get our nails and toes done

2. We go get matching outfits

3. We go swimming

4. An last but not least we play every game in the hole game room

Ace- wow that a lot of games

Me- I know and if i win gco

Ace- haha u winning never

Me- game on my friend

We did their cool little hand shake and left the house

Prod's pov

I woke from a text by tea she said her an ace were gone and they'll be back later. Cool that gives us enough time for a house meeting.

I walked in the hallway and yelled HOUSE MEETING!!!!

( in the living room on ones pov)

Ray- waz- up prod

Prod-well as we all may no we are living with girls and they are very sensitive

Roc- prod shut- up don't we know that

Prince- somebody woke up on the shity side of the bed ( ray and prince laugh)

Prod-roc U got something to get off ur chest man

Roc- naw my bad it's just I do feel bad but u know what happened

Prod- I know roc but she did nothing but try to be your friend

Prince- yeah man that's wrong

Prod-u ain't no better prince

Prince- I don't make ace cry though

Ray-it doesn't matter hurt is hurt

Roc- well we all know who I want and it's tea....... Wait no ace yeah ace not tea

Prod-what was that roc

Roc- Nuffin I'm just gonna go get dressed for the day

Prince- ( whispers to ray) did u hear roc

Ray- yeah that's cra-cra

Ace's pov

So me and tea are having a really fun time. She doesn't seem all down like before. I guess roc was really just a weight lift off her shoulders.

Tea- Wat store should we goto

Me-i been wanting to goto forever 21

(we went to forever 21 and got almost the hole store lol)

Me- omg that was fun

Tea- yeah I think my black card is gray now

We both laugh and walk in the house then carried our bags in to the house.

Tea- to the pool

Tea has on a neon green bikini with some black shorts wit neon green strips on them.

I have on a bright pink bikini with white poke-a-dots

I run and jump off the diving board

Me-It's so cold!

Tea-  *laughs* That's why you don't dive in first you step in

Me- I should push you in *sticks out tongue*

Tea- Well your not " sticks out tongue"

( Out of no where Ray comes and pushes Tea in the pool)

Tea- What the hell Ray!

We all laugh and Ray jumps in

Tea- No offense but it's best friend day

Me- no you meant a lot of offense

Ray-( fake likes he's hurt and holds his chest) So I'm not a friend

Tea- I guess

Me- Nooo

Ray- Oh really 

Ray swims to me and grabs me then dunks me four times in a row

Me-Why would you do that( splashes him)

Tea- Well I'm bout to get in the hot tub in the pool house.

Ace&ray- Okay we'll be in their later

Tea's Pov

Yes I got the hot tub all to myself..... Well I thought


Me-Are you almost done?

Roc- No I just got in

Me- Oh (starts to walk away)

Roc- You can still get in though

Me- Oh okay (gets in the hot tub)

Roc- So long time no speak

Me- Yeah I guess

Roc- Umm how you been?

Me- Look Roc this is kind of awkward so I'm just gonna leave

Roc- (grabs my hand )no wait stay I know I've been acting like a jack azz but I'm trying to change

Me- (moves my hand) You don't have to change because I'm done (walks back to the pool)

Ace- Out already

Me- Uhh yeah it was kind of lonely

Ace- Are you ready to get your butt beat in every game

Me- No are you ready to get beat in every game

Ace- Bring it

Me- It begins now

We both race up stairs to our own shower we both put on our pajamas which were shorts with matching tank tops that said I'm with the crazy one and the other I'm with the sweet one and on the back it said best friends.

Ace- Haha I got out first!

Me- And that's why you butt stink because you ain't wash good!

Anyway we went down stairs to the game room

Ace- What first

Me- Just Dance of course

Ace popped in Just Dance 4 and plays Britney spears 'oops I did it again

Me- And what loser!

Prod- Sorry Ace but let the pro whop her real quick

Prod turns on maroon 5 moves like jagger

Me- More like the moves of lame-o

Prod- You cheated

Me-What ever helps you sleep at night

Now everybody else wants to play including Roc....

Ray- I'm playing against Ace

Prince- I call Prod

Me- I guess I'll just sit this round out

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