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Ace's pov
I was having so much fun. Outta no where I was picked up a spun around.
Me- someone's in a good mood
Prince- yup I am
Me- y so
Prince- cuz everything is just going great we're going on tour soon, with all our friends everybodys happy plus I got a pretty great girl to share it with*kisses my cheek*
Me-*blushes* same here
Roc came running up to us all painic-y and stuff
Roc- have u seen tea I can't find her she was just behind me
Me-calm down roc she probably went in the house
Prince- she is in the house
Me- and how do u know
Prince- because when tea was chasing roc she triped up over me and she got some scars so I took her in and got the first aid kit
Roc- FIRST AID KIT!!!! *roc took off running to the house*
Me- was she ok
Prince- yeah now she is
Me- I'm still gonna check on her
I started walking to the house but them I remembered that roc was their .i will just wait tell he leaves so I walk over to this outside bar thingy by the board walk. I order a strawberry smoothie. A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder. To my surprise it was roc .
Me- hey
Roc- hi *takes a seat beside me*
Me- so
Roc- listen ace I just talk to tea and her and prince are on speaking terms now and I think we should be to u know to keep the drama down
Me- I would like that *smiles*
Roc-*smiles* me too. Friends?
I grabed his hand and intertwined it
Me- u know it !!!!
We talked some more than as I was standing up to leave I hugged roc. I saw a few bright lights but I didn't think nothing of it. I walked back the beach and set beside Princeton in the sand.
Prince- hey beautiful
Me-*blushes* hey
So me and prince just set their leaning on each other enjoying the sunset. Uhh I wish I can pause this moment.
Star's pov
Me and ray are  walking to the board walk  holding hands just watching the sunset it was so beautiful.
Me- what u thinking bout
Ray- us, I missed this
Me- yeah me too
I turned to ray and he grabbed both of my hands. He was just staring at me
Me-*smiles* what
Ray- ur just so beautiful
Me-*giggles* thanks
Ray leaned in and kissed me so passionate and long it was amazing.
Me- wow
For the next 1 hour we just set their cuddling looking up at the sky.


Hey guys! Not much to say... But MB has been going trough some wild and tough times so if you want to here my opinion on it check out my story calles Mindells Behavior Venture, I would really like to hear what my fellow TM fans have to say so comment and I'll reply.  

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