Chapter 3 - Practice

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Chapter 3

I walked through the front door and the first person I saw was mom, she looked so worried that she jumped up and hugged me as soon as the door closed. I shooed her away and told her to go and watch up in the viewing area. I made my way into the dancers den and then into studio A where Paige, Chloe, Maddie and Mackenzie where practicing for the competition this weekend. I walked in and picked up my bottle that was still in the same place as where it landed when I threw it.

I sat down with the other girls as Maddie preformed her solo, it was amazing. Once it ended and Maddie sat down Abby called me to do my solo. I sighed but stood up and got into my starting position. Abby played the music and I performed my solo, I made sure I concentrated on the moves and didn’t let my mind wander too far.

I landed in my finishing pose and everyone was on their feet clapping. I smiled as Abby came over and hugged me, I grabbed my water bottle and sat down as the others preformed their solos. A few minutes after I finished my solo Kendall and Nia showed up. Abby dismissed us but told me she wanted to talk to me, I knew what it would be about. My little blow up before.

I sat down next to Abby but avoided eye contact with her. “What was all that about?” She asked, I continued to look at the floor.

I shrugged “I don’t know, I guess I was angry and confused.” I mumbled

“About what?” She asked placing her hand on my shoulder.

“You and mom keeping it from me” I replied

“Brooke, listen to me. No-one will think differently of you.” Abby said as she wrapped me into a hug.

I smiled and returned her hug “Thanks miss Abby” I whispered

“Now, don’t you have a junior acro class to help teach?” Abby asked practically shoving me out the door, I’ve been helping teach at the studio for about a year now. Mostly acro classes because that’s my forte, but I occasionally help in other classes when they want me too.

I made my way to studio C where the class had begun about 5 minutes before, I walked through the door and we meet by the screams of 5/6 year olds before being attacked in hugs.

“Class!” the teacher shouted, I looked over and saw Gia at the front of the class. She smiled at me as I shoved the kids to go stand in front of her. After all the kids where in front of her I went and stood next to her. “What was earlier all about?” Gia whispered to me

“Later” I whispered back, she ever so slightly nodded.

“Can Brooke show us some acro tricks?” someone shouted, everyone in the class agreed. It was silent as they waited for Gia to give them an answer.

“Well what trick do you want her to show you?” Gia asked and almost instantly everyone’s hand shot up into the air.

Gia pointed at one of the younger students “Backbend into a chin stand” they said nervously, I smiled and shooed them to the back so I could have some room. I did it quickly and all the kids where excited, they asked if they would ever be able to do that and I told them if they always practiced and never gave up of course they would be able to do it.

The rest of the lesson went quite quickly, we practiced doing bridges, handstands and cartwheels. Gia dismissed the kids and made her way over to me where I was sitting grabbing a drink. I just wanted some time to myself, we would be on a bus on our way to New York in a few hours and I really wasn’t in the mood for questions but Gia has been my friend since day one and I knew she was worried about my little outburst. I would assume she was at the front desk when I stormed out and ran into Paige, I felt really bad about hitting her but I hadn’t had a spare moment to talk to her.

“I saw you run into Paige” She said sitting down next to me, I smiled sheepishly.

“I wasn’t looking where I was going” I replied, looking down, I really needed to apologise to her.

“I heard you scream at Abby as well, what was that all about?” She asked, it was an innocent question but it was treading on newly laid soil and I’m not sure if I was people to know I’m adopted yet. On the other hand I really need someone to vent to and Gia is the person for that.

I sighed and looked down “I recently found out some information…. And Abby knew all about it and wouldn’t tell me” I was trying to be as vague as possible.

“It must have been something huge for you to react like that… usually you hide your emotions quite well.” Gia stated, I did usually keep things to myself.

“Brooke!” I heard Abby scream through the studio, I smiled at Gia before waving goodbye and running off to find Abby. I found her in the dancers den. “The senior company are about to start practicing ‘Why not me?’ get in studio A” Abby demanded I nodded and walked into A.

I was greeted with a chorus of ‘Hi Brooke’, I smiled and waved before making my way to my starting position, the music started and we started to dance, we got to the bit where I am lifted into the air by Kevin and I think out of the corner of my eye I saw Paige up in the viewing room and I lost concentration for a split second, and that’s all that was needed. I wobbled a bit before falling out of the pose and falling to the floor, as I went down I heard multiple screams I think one was mine. I hit the floor on my left hip and shoulder first before my head hit it. I tried my best to conscious but eventually it went black.

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