Chapter 10 - Pain

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Chapter 10

It was 5 before Abby let us out of rehearsal, after us crawling out I think we all passed out on the dancer den floor, because next thing I remember was have water thrown on me. I spat the water that got in my mouth out and look up to see Abby with an empty bucket in her and I see 6 soaking wet girls lying next to me.

“What are you doing on the floor? We need to practice the trio, let’s go!” She demanded, Paige, Chloe and I scramble to our feet and run into studio A. She seemed to be really annoyed, we got into our starting positions and ran through it a few times.

She told us to run it again, we started and as Chloe and I do a leap I landed on my ankle funny and fell over, I gripped  my ankle and my eyes started to water. Abby was over in an instant, how she moved so fast I’ll never know.

“Brooke, let me see” She said removing my hands from around my ankle “Can you roll it?” she asked I shook my head after trying. “I want you to go and wait in the viewing room with the mothers with some ice on it.” I hopped up the stairs, Chloe close behind with some ice. I sat next to mom as I rested my ankle up on the seat, Chloe put the ice on it, I said thanks before she ran off.

I watched them, practice the solos and the group with me, once Abby dismissed them I watched a hip hop class that all but Mackenzie was in, she came and sat up with me. None of them where very good at hip hop so it was very amusing to watch, the moms where talking about god knows what, mom seemed to have calmed down for earlier.

After a while Mackenzie and I got bored of watching them fail at hip hop so we decided to take photos on my phone, we did a few nice ones but most of them we pulled stupid faces in.

“Girls?” Melissa asked while we were still taking photos

“Yeah?” Mackenzie replied, we both looked at the moms.

“Has Paige ever told you why her mom is never here?” Jill asked, before Melissa could even open her mouth. I thought about it for a second, it was actually a very good question she was never here, the only times I’ve seen her are when she drops off or picks up Paige.

I shook my head “has she ever been to any of the competitions?” I ask

The moms think for a minute “Remember when you sprained your ankle and couldn’t come with us a few months ago?” Mom asked, I nodded “She came to that competition” I nodded the moms went back to their conversation.

We turned back to the hip hop class to see Abby summoning Mackenzie and I, Mackenzie skipped down the stairs while I attempted to hop. About half way down I missed a step and went rolling down the stairs. I saw Mackenzie look at me concerned before bursting into a fit of laughter resulting in her rolling around on the floor.

“I’m glad you find my pain funny” I said getting up and hopping into studio A.

“What was the loud bump?” Abby asked as Mackenzie and I got in the room, causing Mackenzie to fall into another round of giggles.

“I may or may not have fallen down the stairs” I said

“What are we going to do with you Brooke” Abby said shaking her head and smiling slightly.

I smiled back and shoved Mackenzie who was still laughing, I could see Chloe trying to hold in a laugh, I glared at her but it just made her laugh harder. Soon enough everyone was laughing, I joined in, this was one of those times where Abby isn’t screaming or yelling and we are all just having a fun time.

We practiced the dances and when she wanted to practice the trio she sent the girls out to wait until being called back in. Soon enough it was time to go home, I couldn’t have been happier, my ankle was still throbbing slightly and I couldn’t feel my feet, I don’t think Abby had pushed us that hard in a long time.

She told us that we could have the morning off and we didn’t have to come in until 2 which I was practically jumping for joy about, that would mean I could sleep in! I decided that I would get up at about 10 because if I slept in any later than that I wouldn’t sleep that night.

We left studio A and packed up our dance bags, and made our way to the front entrance where everyone’s moms where waiting. We got in the car and made our way home, the living room light was on which meant dad was home.

We walked through the door to find him and Clara watching something on TV, he didn’t look too interested in it but Clara sure was enjoying it. I ran in and jumped on them both closely followed by Chloe. We rolled off them, I sat next to dad with Chloe on my lap.

“How was your day?” I asked leaning on his arm, watching whatever was on TV.

“It was good, we just lounged around and watched cartoons all day” he replied putting his arm around me “What did you do?”

“Fell down some stairs” I stated, Chloe started to laugh and mom cracked a smile.

“How on earth did you do that?” He asked

“I twisted my ankle and when I was hopping down the stairs I tripped” I smiled

“What are we going to do with you?” He laughed hugging me, I squeezed him tighter resting my head on his chest. We watched some TV, Chloe was lying on mom while I was on dad, Clara had been put to bed a while ago. We watched ‘Toddlers and Tiaras’, I think Chloe fell asleep before me but about half way into the episode I started to feel sleepy I snuggled into dad more and closed my eyes, 5 minutes later I was out like a light.

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