Chapter 18 - Overhearing

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Chapter 18

“I’m not coming” Kelly said to Abby

“You have to come otherwise you will lose her forever.” Abby replied

“I already have! I lost her forever the day I gave her to you!” Kelly had tears in her eyes

“No you didn’t! She wanted to talk to you but you ran away!” Abby started to yell quietly

“When did I run away?” Kelly asked

“Yesterday, after the trio!” I saw Gia start to look confused, I don’t think she realised they were talking about me.

“I couldn’t do it” she whispered and I struggled to hear “If I do ill rip her away from everything she’s ever known.” I saw the tears fall down her cheeks

“Don’t you get it? You did the worst possible thing you could have done. You made her feel like you don’t love her.” I had tears in my eyes

“Of course I love her! Everything I ever did was so that she could be happy”

“She doesn’t see it that way! She sees it as you abandoning her!”

“I was seventeen, I couldn’t look after a child. As much as Randy and I wanted to keep her we couldn’t”

"But you can now! You may not have your ideal relationship with her but you can get to know her" Abby put her hand on Kelly's 

"How can I? You said it yourself I ruined any chance I had with her. So I'm not coming this weekend" I was angry, she wasn't even going to try. I noticed Gia was looking at me, she pointed to me and then at Abby and Kelly I nodded.

“You have to otherwise you will crush her completely" 

"No, I'm not going, you said I already ruined it." We at least I know where I get my stubbornness from. I slammed the door really hard making sure they heard it. I heard Abby shout 'Brooke' but I was already marching my way into studio A. They were practicing their turns. I barged in and made them all jump and I began to turn. I saw all the girls join in. Abby opened the door and all the girls stopped but I kept going. 

"Brooke!" Abby shouted "will you stop turning and come over here" 

"Can't..." I said while continuing to turn "I'm... On... A... Roll" to be honest I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Fine, go into the beginner summer dance program and go help Gia if you’re going to be like this" I stopped turning and stared at her before suddenly getting really angry and storming out the door that she was standing in front of.

I walked stormed into the dancers den and a few people looked up from their phones but most of them ignored me. I then slammed open the studio C door making the 20 students and Gia jump a foot in the air.

"Well everyone looks like we have a guest! Do you want to introduce yourself?" Gia asked me

I stared blankly back at her "No, not really" I replied rather rudely slumping down against the mirrors.

"There is no need to be rude Brooke." Gia said to me while motioning for the class to take a break.

I sighed I shouldn't be taking this out on Gia she hasn't done anything "I'm sorry, I'm just mad" she sat down next to me.

"It makes a lot more sense now" my eyes started to water a bit "when did you try to talk to her?" 

"Yesterday, after we performed the trio she walked out I follow and when she was making her way to her car I screamed out that I knew and she just kept walking" I replied, slowly the students started to make their way back into the centre.

"You wanna help now?" She asked, I nodded and then she addressed the class "So everyone, this is Brooke, why don't you tell everyone a little about yourself" I had a good look at the class they must have been around Chloe's age maybe a bit younger.

"Okay, well my names Brooke, I've been dancing here at ALDC since I was 2. I'm currently taking all advanced classes and spend every day here" The students looked at me in the awe, I smiled awkwardly at them before looking at Gia to restart the class. 

Ironically it was an acro class, when Gia told everyone to do a bridge I started to laugh. Gia slapped my arm and demanded I do a bridge. I did it in seconds before Gia told me to sit down and if they needed help I had to help them. A few of them needed help so I helped with their technique and they were able to get it. We did some more basic things before moving on to contemporary moves.

Abby decided that she would come and see how we’re doing so she quietly opened the door. “Hey G” she said “How are things?”

Gia told everyone to practice the move so I around helping everyone and trying to look busy. “Good, were just learning some new moves” Gia replies, Abby then looks over at me and I begin to help the closest person to me.

“Can was talk about this now Brooke?” Abby pretty much yelled across the room to me

“Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?” I replied rudely, I really didn’t want to talk to her.

“Excuse me? Brooke I haven’t done anything to warrant you to be rude to me.” I stopped what I was doing and stared at her.

“Are you serious right now? I could think of at least 5 things you’ve done that warrant me to be like this” I replied and walked over to the corner furthest from Abby. 

“So come out here and talk to me about it!” She was getting angry at me, the class was looking between Abby and I.

“I heard enough out by the front desk!” I said, my voice cracked and my eyes started to water. I slid my back down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest.

I heard Abby sigh “Brooke, come here” she said as she takes a few steps towards me. I slowly got up and ran into her arms, she wrapped me into a hug and lifted me up I wrapped my legs around her and we left the room.

She carried me into the office room and put me down on the chair like she did when I was 6. She pulled out a juice box from her private fridge. I smiled remembering when I was younger I would always make her buy juice boxes for when I would come in here and I guess it just became a habit.

I drank my juice box, while awkwardly waiting for Abby to say something.

“How are you?” she asked after an awkward silence

“Fantastic!” I replied sarcastically she gave me a look and immediately I knew she wasn’t joking around. “Mom said that someone left me on the studio doorstep, that obviously didn’t happen. What really happened?” I pleaded

“Okay” she replied and sat down on the desk ready to tell the story.

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