Chapter 6 - More Practice

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Chapter 6

I was awoken by a Justin Bieber song, if it was not 7 in the morning I probably wouldn't have minded being woken up by Justin Bieber but all I wanted to do was sleep.

Lucky for me my shoes where lying by my bed, I grabbed on and shouted at Chloe "Turn it off Chloe!" I then threw the shoe at her.

"Brooke!" Chloe shouted back, at least she turned the alarm off.

"Girls! Time to get up!" Mom shouted, I groaned and shoved my head under my pillow. I saw Chloe skip into the bathroom, how she can be happy at this time of the morning I have no idea. I felt pressure on the side of my bed and I knew Mom had sat down on the bed.

"Brooke" Mom said softly trying to pull the covers off me, which I had wrapped around my neck.

"What?" I moaned trying to pull the covers around me more.

"Come on, you have to get up. We have to be at the studio at 9 and you need to have had breakfast"

"Fine." I huffed and I shoved the covers off me, Chloe had already come out of the bathroom so I could just walk in and have a shower. I was done in half an hour, for me that's quite a quick shower. I got out shoved on some black booty shorts and a black crop top with sweatpants over the top and a baggy red ALDC top.

By 7:30 all 3 of us where dressed and making our way down to the lobby where they served breakfast at the restaurant. I dragged my feet along the ground, staring at my phone while reading through the tweets people had replied to 'Nick's' tweet. I was completely out of it until Mackenzie jumped on my back, I almost fell over if I hadn't caught myself and grabbed Mackenzie's legs. I put her down and grabbed her hand as we walked towards the elevator to go down to the lobby.

We just walked out of the elevator when I got a message from Nick

Nick - Morning!

Brooke - Morning!

Nick - How was your night?

Brooke - I didn't do anything :P

Nick - Lazy! What about the whole Payton thing?

Brooke - I don't really care, the only thing it has done is made me wonder who my birth mother is.

Nick - She left you. She sucks.

Brooke - You always know what to say, I have to go have breakfast and practice, ill text you later x

I locked my phone as we walked into the restaurant, everyone else was already down here eating, we pulled up some chairs to the table and ordered ourselves. I had a plate of pancakes because I didn't really want to be dancing on a full stomach.

Slowly everyone started to leave to collect their dance wear and make their way to the studio. Mom decided that we would walk to the studio because it was only a 10 minute walk, I put my headphones in my ears turned my music on and walked to the studio with Mackenzie swinging our arms as she skipped next to me.

We got to the studio and Abby ran the junior dance, and then the solos and finally the senior group dance. It was 1 o'clock before she deemed the dances perfect and sent us on a break.

"Brooke, can I talk to you." Abby called as everyone left to grab a drink and/or some food. I walked over to Abby and sat next to her on a chair.

"What's up?" I asked

"What happened on the bus yesterday?" she asked, always straight to the point.

"Well I told Nick about... yeah and well Payton went through his phone and found out so she posted it on twitter and facebook." I really didn't care, I mean I did when she posted it. I was afraid that people would treat me differently because I was adopted but I'm glad they aren't. As soon as we get back to Pittsburgh and I see Payton I'm going to slap her.

"So she went through Nicks phone without his permission?"

"I think so, he sounded angry when she was on the phone to me"

"Hold on, she rang you?" Abby looked surprised

"No" I said slowly "I rang Nick because I thought he posted it, but she answered his phone." Abby nodded.

"Do you remember the conversation?" Abby asked and I nodded

"Well, I asked why she had Nicks phone and she replied 'I was bored and his phone doesn't have a password' then I heard Nick in the background asking her why she had his phone, she said she was talking to his 'girlfriend'." I put air quotes around the word 'girlfriend' "He told her to give it back and she said okay, but before she handed it back she said, and I quote 'You were and always will be unloved'." I explained I've never seen Abby look so mad.

If I would have walked into the room at that moment, I probably would be scared to death just by the look on her face. "Come straight to me if she ever says anything like that again, understand?" I nodded. She dismissed me and told me to grab a drink, I walked outside into the New York street. I sat on the steps of the studio enjoying the peace and quiet when the door opened and Kevin sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry about dropping you" He said after a few minutes of silence.

"Are we still on this? I told you, I was my fault"

"But I should have caught you. That's what a partner does!" He protested

"And I'm not supposed to lose concentration!" we were both mucking around but I felt bad that he thought it was his fault.

We fell back into and awkward silence. "So...." Kevin started awkwardly "You're adopted"

I started to laugh "So forward Kevin, yes I am. Did you not see 'Nicks' tweet" I put air quotes around Nick.

"Yeah, it wasn't Nick who sent the tweet was it?" he asked

"No, it was Payton. She never really did like me..."

"She's just jealous" Kevin nudged my side

"Of?" I asked

"You, I mean how can she not be, you're beautiful, smart and an amazing dancer. She would have to be crazy not to be jealous of you." I smiled up at him. Abby called us back into the studio to practice a few more times before we could go back to the hotel.

A few times turned into about 20 so it was about 5 before we left the studio, my feet became sore a bruised and I almost crawled all the way back to the hotel. Mom decided we would just have a lazy night so we ordered room service and watched Pitch Perfect on the TV. We went to bed early because we had to get up for the competition tomorrow morning. 

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