Chapter 25 - Phone

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Chapter 25

I slowly opened my eyes, sat up and stretched. The first thing I noticed was that it was dark outside. I looked around to see everyone else asleep, when I looked over at Kelly I realised she wasn’t. I stretched some more and yawned , I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time 11:30 I had been asleep for 6 hours.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked Kelly

She shrugged “wasn’t tired and it’s really hard to sleep with you practically laying on top of me”

I smiled sheepishly “Sorry”

“It’s alright I don’t mind” she smiled

“Why did you run away?” I asked, it had been bugging me for a while.

“In the parking lot?” I nodded “I couldn’t do it, I spent 8 years of your life being your sisters best friends mom” She stopped to make sure that made sense “I didn’t want to rip away everything that is normal for you.”

“I thought you didn’t care about me. Didn’t love me.” Tears formed in my eyes

“Of course I love you, everything I ever did was so that you could have a better life” she pulled me in a hug.

“What about your parents?” I asked, she pulled away confused

“What about them?”

I pulled out her letters to me “In this it says you don’t have a very good relationship with them”

“It’s hard to explain, when I got pregnant with you they didn’t like it, in fact they hated it. They thought I was too young and I was, 16 its way too young to have a child. They wanted me to get an abortion and I refused I told them I would never do that to someone so they kicked me out.”

“Are you and….. still together?” I couldn’t remember what his name was, he doesn’t really come to the studio.

“Randy and yes we are” Kelly pulled me into a hug, I rested my head on her shoulder. We stayed like that for a while until Kelly’s phone rung. She pulled it out of her pocket and I saw who was calling ‘Randy’ I looked up and Kelly who was looking at me before answering.

“Hello” Kelly said into the phone, there was a pause when he replied.

“We’re doing good on the bus ride home we should be back about 10 tomorrow morning” She waited again while he replied.

“Paige is asleep right now but I have someone else you might like to talk to.” She waited “Here.” She handed me the phone and for a moment panic flared up in my chest. I put the phone to my ear but couldn’t get any words to come out.

“Hello?” The voice on the other side said, he sounded confused.

“Hi” I whispered into the phone, at first I didn’t think he heard me because it was met with silence.

“Brooke?” he whispered back, his tone almost pleading like he was hoping it was me. My throat closed up as I tried to swallow.

“Yeah” I whispered again, my voice cracked.

“So you know?” he asked, I was going to nod but I remembered I was on the phone not talking in person.

“I do” I replied

“Do you know who I am?” he asked his tone hopeful.

I paused “My dad” Kelly looked at me. I heard him suck in a breath. I then heard someone in the background.

“Dad, who are you talking to?” I heard the person say, it sounded like a boy, I think it was my brother.

“Your sister” he replied, his voice was farther away from the phone.

“Hi Paige!” I suddenly heard him scream into the phone, I cringed as my ear momentarily rang.

“It’s not Paige” I heard Randy say

“Who is it….? Oh, oh can I talk to her?” he asked

“Josh, I’m not sure-” I cut him off

“No! I want to talk to him” I said rapidly

“Are you sure?” he asked me, I looked over at Kelly she was looking at me.

“I’m sure” I said suddenly unsure if I should or not.

“Hello?” Josh said into the phone.

“Hi” I said, he sounded so young

“So you’re my older sister. How old are you?” he asked

“Almost 16” I replied, thinking about it my birthday was in 2 weeks.

“Wow, that means your almost 4 years older than me, I was an accident too. So I know how you feel” Josh said, I was mad, he didn’t know how I felt he doesn’t know what it’s like.

“You don’t know how I feel because you weren’t given away. I was.” I said with clenched teeth into the phone before shoving it back into Kelly’s hands and stomping back up the bus to where all my stuff was.

I sat in the seat staring out the front of the bus, I refused to look back I could hear Kelly still on the phone. I couldn’t make out what she was saying I could just hear her muffled voice.

I didn't even notice the person standing in the isle until they tapped my shoulder. I jumped out of my seat; hand on my heart, breathing heavily.

"Paige" I sighed once I saw who it was. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She looked half asleep.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked already climbing on my seat, I guess I didn't have a choice. She reminded me of me at a young age, I wouldn't wait for an answer I would just do what I wanted.

"Why don't you sleep with your mom?" I asked I put my arm around her as she lay against my side.

"She's your mom too and she's on the phone to dad she sounds upset about something" Paige sounded sleepy and when I turned to ask her something she was already asleep. I decided I would get some sleep as well so I lent my back up against the window of the bus, I moved Paige so that she was laying between my legs her head rested against my chest. I closed my eyes and soon enough I was asleep.

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