Chapter 23 - Solo's and Awards

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Chapter 23

‘Why didn’t you tell anyone?’, ‘why didn’t you tell Chloe or your mom?’, ‘Why didn’t Abby seem surprised?’ and many more questions were asked in the span of about 30 seconds. I refused to answer any of them or even look at Maddie or Kendall, I was using all my might not to cry. Nothing will ever be the same now.

Maddie and Kendall went to the wings of the stage and waited to perform, they performed. I didn’t watch though, I stared at the back curtains. They didn’t understand. No-one understood. What it’s like, what I’m going through. Everything I’ve ever known. Ripped out from under me like a rug. They think I’m okay, like I just care that she won’t talk to me.

It’s not like that, they don’t understand what it does to me, the once normal has been blown away like a hurricane and I’m stuck picking up pieces trying to make sense of it all. I’m 15, 16 in a few weeks, I can’t pick up everything. I needed someone who understood, who would listen and be my shoulder to cry on.

Maddie and Kendall pulled me to my feet and shoved me into the wings just as the person performing before me finished. I faked a smile as the called ‘give it up for Brooke with Why Won’t You Love Me’ I walked out on stage and got into my starting position. Immediately I noticed everyone from the ALDC sitting together.

The music started and I lost myself in the dance, I looked at Kelly as the music began. My eyes started to water and soon after I was crying. I then looked over at mom she smiled at me. It was a smile saying it was alright and I would get through it. I looked at the judges for the rest of the dance.

The music finished and I was in my ending pose, the audience was silent. I walked off the stage and straight passed Maddie and Kendall to the dressing room. I walked over to my make-up table at the first thing I notice was a stack of letters, they hadn’t been there before. I looked at them all they each where addressed to me with the date in the top right corner.

Brooke – January 30th 1999

Brooke – January 30th 2000

Brooke – January 30th 2001

Brooke – January 30th 2002

Brooke – January 30th 2003

Brooke – January 30th 2004

Brooke – January 30th 2005

Brooke – January 30th 2006

Brooke – January 30th 2007

Brooke – January 30th 2008

Brooke – January 30th 2009

Brooke – January 30th 2010

Brooke – January 30th 2011

Brooke – January 30th 2012

Brooke – January 30th 2013

I knew no-on was coming back to the dressing room until after the awards which where in 20 minutes so I decided to read the first letter. I opened the envelop carefully and pulled out the letter.

January 30th 1999

Dear Brooke,

364. It has been 364 days since we last saw you. I last saw you. 364 days since you were taken away from me. I know you'll probably never see this letter, I don't even know who you went to. I hope they treat you right and with more love and opportunities than I would ever be able to give you.

You turned 1 today, a whole year has gone by, how time goes so quickly it feels like yesterday you were still in my stomach. 

I wanted to write this letter to you even if I know you're never going to get it, it reminds me that you're out there somewhere. I could have passed you in the street and I wouldn't even have known. They help me to remember you, my little baby girl who I might never know. I hope one day I meet you, I would trade my entire life to the devil if it meant I could have kept you. Seeing as your only 1 today you probably won't understand anything but maybe one day I’ll be able to write it down for you.


your mom/Kelly Hyland

I wiped away some stray tears as I read the letter, it was short but it was from the heart. I looked at the clock I still had enough time to read some more. I carefully opened the second letter.

January 30th 2000

Dear Brooke,

Happy birthday! Today you turn 2. 730 days ago you were born. Do you dance? I hope you dance. I loved to dance. I would assume Abby would let you dance, I hope you dance with the ALDC. After all you are Brooke Hyland, well you where, not anymore. Now you would have a different name. Different parents, a different life.

We hope you have an amazing birthday and year. Remember we only wanted what was best for you. I think I’m going to write you a letter every year on your birthday. It doesn’t matter to me if you never see these of course I would love for you to see them. You are still part of our family, even if you never know it. I’m sorry for leaving you, I never wanted to. We didn’t have a choice, I couldn’t look after you. I hope one day you will understand why I had to give you away but for now it doesn’t matter.

Your father wishes he would be able to do this, write to you but he cant. As much as I tell him it’s not he thinks it’s his fault we had to give you up. He thinks if he’d be able to support us we could have kept you but deep down I think he knows we never would have been able to.


Your mom/Kelly Hyland

I looked at the clock and realised I had to be on the stage soon. I put the letters back on my make-up stand and ran back to the stage. Everyone was making their way onto the stage, I saw the girls sitting on the stage I ran over and joined them. I refused to answer any questions about the dressing room incident but we chatted mindlessly before they started to announce the awards. They started with the group, we won first. The moms cheered and clapped as Nia accepted the award.

Next was the trio, I grabbed Chloe’s and Paige’s hand, we were too nervous to care much. They called 2nd and it wasn’t us, they announced us as first and all 3 of us jumped up cheering. We accepted the award and moved on to the junior solo division. Maddie came first with Kendall right behind her in second.

Finally it was the teen solo division, I waited anxiously as they called out second. Paige grabbed my hand I looked at her and she smiled at me, I smiled back squeezing her hand slightly. They called me as first and I collected my award. After the ceremony we went back to the dressing room, I wasn’t looking forward to it.

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