Chapter 30 - My Family

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Chapter 30

I stood in front of the Hyland house with mom, dad, Chloe and Clara. Today was my birthday and we were celebrating my 16th birthday, I took a deep breath and we made our way up the steps. My wrist was hot and sweaty in its brace. It’s been 2 weeks since I fractured it and it hasn’t got easier, each lesson I stand at the back struggling to do the moves. I don't mind though, at least I can still dance, I've been seeing the Hyland's more often. We've been out to dinner a few times, we've gotten over the awkwardness and slowly their feeling more like family.

Dad knocked in the door and we waited for someone to open the door, the door opened to reveal Randy. He shock dads hand, kissed moms cheek and waved at Chloe and Clara. After they all walked in I hugged him as he kissed the top of my head.

"Come on, time to meet your grandparents" he said, smiling reassuringly. I'd forgotten that I was meeting Randy's parents today I hesitated for a moment, mom, dad, Chloe and Clara where waiting in the living room. They'd remembered I was meeting the grandparents. I grabbed Randy's hand with my good hand, slowly we walked into the kitchen. Everything went quite as we walked in, I noticed 2 older people sitting at the table with Kelly, Josh and Paige.

Paige squealed before running over and hugging me. "I have something to tell you!" She whispered in my ear before letting go and skipping over to Chloe. Josh came over and we hugged, I didn't really get to know Josh that well, we had conversations and we've talked about things together but we're not as close as Paige and I are. That's probably because I've known Paige for a lot longer than I've known Josh. 

Kelly came over last she smiled at me before wrapping me in a hug, I hugged her back.

"What happened to your wrist?" The lady asked. I pulled back from Kelly and looked at both of them, they looked concerned.

"I broke it" I replied. They both cracked a smile before the man spoke.

"We got that, we meant how did it happen?" 

“Oh, I jumped over the back of a booth at a coffee shop and fell.” I said quietly

They laughed “Sounds like something Randy would do” the lady said, I heard Randy groan from beside me. I laughed. Everyone sat around the table they had snacks out that everyone was eating. I sat between mom and Kelly. I found out that Randy’s parents’ names where Mary and John.

“So Brooke, how long have you been dancing?” Mary asked as I ate some chips, I immediately thought of Mackenzie.

“Since I was 18 months old” I replied

“What do you want to be when you are older?”

“I want to be a Cirque du Soleil performer” I replied, looking down at my wrist, I would have lost so much flexibility if Abby didn’t help me stretch every day.

Suddenly people walked into the kitchen and I felt Kelly tense, everyone was quiet and staring at them.

“It seems our invitation to the family get together got lost in the mail.” The lady said rather rudely.

“No, you just weren’t invited” Kelly shot back just as rudely.

“And who are you?” she asked looking at me.

I stared blankly back at her “Brooke” I replied

“I don’t remember a Brooke in our family. Who are you?” she was being really rude.

“I’m the person you tried to kill” I snapped, I felt Kelly put her hand on my shoulder but I was mad I shrugged it off and stood up abruptly causing my chair to fly backwards.

 The both looked confused “You’re the baby that no-one in the family wanted?” the man asked speaking for the first time.

Kelly stood up, she looked really angry “Get out” she said in a low angry voice.

“Excuse me?” the woman said in an offended voice.

“I said get out of my house. You do not speak to my daughter like that.” Randy was beside her instantly, blocking me from view. Mom and dad stood behind me, a hand each on my shoulders. Chloe, Clara, Josh and Paige stood at my side, Paige grabbed my good hand and I looped my bad hand through Chloe’s arm.

They glared at everyone before swiftly leaving, everyone turned to me. I pulled free of everyone and ran out into the back garden, I slammed to door loudly behind me and sank down on the steps. I took a deep breath this wasn’t how I wanted to spend my 16th birthday. Someone sat down next to me, I really didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now. The person lent over and wiped a tear off my cheek that had escaped my eye. I looked over and found it was Josh, of all the people inside I wouldn’t have thought he would be the one to come out and talk to me.

“Everyone in there loves you. You do know that right?” he asked. I nodded I didn’t feel like speaking. “You know, when I was younger, I would always steal dads wallet so I could buy ice-cream. Every time I opened it he had a photo of a baby on the side. I just thought it was me at the time, but looking back now I realize it was you.” He whispered.

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked

He didn’t answer my question “And mom has a photo on her bedside table, she refuses to let anyone touch it or look at it. It’s a photo of an ultrasound, I always thought it was me or Paige but the other day, while you were at a competition, I took it out of the case and in the corner is has your name in handwriting with your birth-date on it.” 

“What does this have to do with anything?” I tried to ask.

He ignored me “Also they have another photo frame on their dresser it’s of you and Paige. I don’t know when it was taken but your both in costumes and look really young did you ever do a duet with her or anything?” he asked. I thought about it, I couldn’t remember ever doing a duet with Paige I remember I once did a trio with Paige and Chloe. It must have been then.

“I did a trio with Paige and Chloe” I replied

“Maybe the photo was from that then. If it makes you feel any better they don’t really like any of us.” He said, I smiled slightly “I’m sorry for what I said when you were on the bus, your right, I don’t know what it’s like for you, so I’m sorry”

“It’s okay, let’s get back inside. I don’t really feel like spending my birthday out here.” I said standing up and helping him to his feet. We hugged and made our way back inside.

We spent the rest of the night laughing, sharing embarrassing stories and opening presents. As it got late we all said goodbye to Mary and John as they had a long drive to get back to their house. Mom decided we wouldn’t go home tonight we would crash here and Kelly had no objections.

I waved from the front door as Mary and John drove round to corner and out of sight. I turned around to Paige, Josh, Chloe and Clara mucking around in the living room, they were trying to tip the couch over. Mom, dad, Kelly and Randy where deep in conversation about something they weren’t really paying attention to anything else. I smiled to myself at the sight, on thing ran through my mind. From here on out this is my family.


This story is officially 35,600 words and 71 pages in a word document. Wow. That's 14, 400 words from being classified as a novel. Again. Wow.

I would like to thank everyone who read this to the end. Please follow/ vote/ whatever else you do. Now that I have finished it's time for my new fanfic! Yay! Look out for it, I'll probably post it in the next few days.

Leave a comment on what you thought of the story as a whole, or feel free to message me! 

I hope you guys liked the story! I had alot of fun writing it!


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