Chapter 12

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For most of the next week it's filled with completing the rest of the wedding plans, shopping for the dresses, tuxes, and decoration, but the best part of all is there is no fights. Harry is able to control his temper at all times. He found 2 ways of doing it, and they work really well, one is when he feels himself getting upset he would grab his beautiful fiance, pull her out of the room and kiss her till neither of them can breath, or he would bury his head in her neck and mumble help, and she'll quickly start running her fingers through his hair giving it light tugs here and there. Either option works rather well, and it looks like it's needed now.
Currently they're at their wedding rehearsal and the person telling them what they need to do is really starting to tick him off. He alway thought this night is supposed to be fun, but this bitch is like a drill sergeant.

"No, no!" The lady yells once again. "Jamie if I have to tell one more time what to do I'll do for you then you can follow my lead."

Hearing her talk to Jamie that way is the last straw, he spins around and opens his mouth to give her a piece of his mind when Jamie literally jumps in his arms wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and kisses him. Harry has no choice but to hug her back, not that he wouldn't anyway.

"Excuse me, are you done yet?" Lacey asks sarcasticly.

Jamie turns while still in Harry's arms, she can hear the others laughing all around her. "Well yes actually I am, but if you piss my Boo off again I won't be. You will get this and maybe more, so unless you want our clothes to stay on you best tone down your bossy ass attitude." She sasses, even though she and Harry know that won't happen. They both have decided they want to wait until they're married to make love, even though they sleep together every night.

Lacey looks at Jamie shocked. "Well I never." She says, then stomps off to sit down.

"Well I'm not surprised with your mouth, I wouldn't either." Jamie replies causing Harry to laugh so hard he almost drops her. Niall though he literally drops to the floor and is rolling with tears of laughter streaming down his cheeks. Liam has one arm thrown around Lea and the other wrapped around his middle, well needless to say everyone, even the adults are laughing so hard they're crying.

Once everyone finally calms down they get through the rest of the rehearsals with no further incidents and Lacey deems them ready for their big day. Robin decids since Harry hasn't kill anyone he'll treat everyone to dinner at Michael's. So that's where the group finds themselves next. About 5 minutes after arriving they're all sitting around talking when Deb and her friends walks in. When she sees Harry and Jamie she smirks. She still doesn't believe they're getting married. When he announced it at school that day she didn't see a ring so until she does she's not going to believe it.

"Well, if it isn't the happy little couple." Deb smirks as she walks up to Harry and places her hand on the back of his neck.

Harry stiffens and reachs up to remove it, but when he does she grabs ahold of his hand and holds on to it and won't let's it go. "What the hell do you want Deb? And let go of my hand."

This time it's Jamie that's getting pissed. Over the past week or so Harry has been working with her on weight training and showing her what to do if someone ever tries to hurt her again. Well he found out the other day she's a quick learner and is very strong for her size. And right now very much possessive over her man.

Harry thought it's weird that Jamie isn't saying anything about what's going on so he glances in her direction. What he sees shocks him.
"Deb I think you better leave." He warns.

"But why love? You used to love holding my hand. Hell hun, you even did it when we slept together." Deb says for everyone to hear.

Many things happens at once. Anne gasps, all the guys shake their heads and groan, and Harry whispers "Oh fuck" but it's Jamie everyone's looking at. When she hears that, actually heard Harry has slept with this bitch she loses it, she springs out of her chair so fast Harry doesn't have time to stop her. Before anyone can even blink Deb is on the floor and has not only a busted lip but her nose is obviously broken too, and Jamie has her fist in her hair as she leans in face to say for all in the place to hear. "Let me tell you this right now, what you and Harry did before we met is his business. But honey he's mine now and unless you want more of this keep your fucking hands off my man because I don't share. I'm only warning you once." She says slamming Deb head to the floor then standing up and calmly walking back to where she was and sits in Harry's lap. This time it's her that put her head in his neck and whispers help as tears drip onto his skin. He stands up and carries her outside sits her on the hood of his car and just kisses her till neither of them could breath.

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