Chapter 15

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The next day Harry and Jamie sleeps till noon. They then get up shower together and check out of the hotel, drive to his mom's house to start the tedious task of packing their things to move to their new home. When Harry pulls into the driveway he's relieved to see all the guys already here. Their help is be greatly needed. When he and Jamie walk into the house they see boxes and bags everywhere.

"What the hell?" Harry says as they pick their way through the mess. They find everyone in the kitchen.

"Well it's about time." Louis says as soon as he sees them in the doorway. "We have been packing up your shit since 6am. Bout time you decided to come help." He laughs.

Harry smirks. "So sorry I was busy making." And is cut off with Jamie's hand over his mouth.

"We." She stresses. "Over slept, that's all we did." She smirks. Causing everyone one to laugh.

Harry kisses her hand and laughs. "Yep, we over slept." He says with a wink. "So how much more do we have to pack up?" He asks changing the subject.

"Nothing. While you guy were "sleeping" we did all the hard work." Niall laughs.

"Well okay, let's get this stuff loaded up. I want to see what type house Jamie and I'll be living in." Harry says as he moves to start picking things up to take to his car.

An later hour everything is loaded and ready to go. Harry turns to Jamie. "You think you can drive my car so I can take my bike?"

"Sure." She says holding her hand out for the key. "Just be careful on that thing please."

Harry kisses her. "I alway am. You'll have to ride with me sometime it's fun." He says.

"We go back to school Monday. I'm game if you are." She smiles up at him.

Harry's eyes light up at her reply. "Deal." Harry says as he mounts the bike and starts it.

When they all get to the house they're all shocked to see the enormity of it. You can't see it from the road so it's quite a surprise when they finally round the the curve in the drive and broke through and stand of tree that blocked the house from the road.

Jamie parks the car in front of the steps and got out and just gapes at the sight in front of her. Harry parks his bike beside her dismounts and walks over to and wraps his arms around her from behind her and just looks at it also.

"Jesus, Boo. We'll get lost in that thing." Jamie sighs.

Harry chuckles. "Yeah, we'll have to make sure we keep our phones on us all times so we can find each other." Harry teases

Harry's mom walks up and hugs them both. "If you two didn't have to live here alone for 6 months I'd move in with you." She teases.

Robin chuckles. "As big as that place is they still wouldn't see you for weeks at a time." He says causing everyone to laugh.

"Well standing here isn't getting us moved in." Harry says taking the keys Jamie offers him as he makes his way to the front door. He unlocks and pushes the door open but before stepping in he turns as looks at Jamie, he then swings her up in his arms and steps across the threshold of their home for the first time as a couple. He doesn't put her down until he reaches the livingroom. "Wow." He whispers looking around as he slowly lowers Jamie to her feet.

Jamie's also looking around the room and can't help the whimper that leaves her when she sees the large painting of her parents over the fireplace. It looks fairly recent but she has never seen it before, she's sure she would have known if her parents would have had something like this done, and if so why is it here.

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