Chapter 23

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"Good evening everyone. It's so good to finally be back home." Harry announces as he looks out over the sea of people in front of him. For the past 10 years he's been all over the world doing what he's always dreamed of doing. Only coming home during short breaks or quick stolen moments when he just couldn't handle being away from his wonderful wife and kids. Yeah during summer breaks when the kids didn't have school the family would travel with him, and he would love every second of it, it just didn't last long enough to satisfy him.
Looking over to the side of the stage he sees his still beautiful wife holding their now 2 year old daughter. Harry once again looks out at the crowd.
"You know what guys, with this being my last concert I want you guys to meet the reason why I decided to retire." He tells his fans. "Most of you probably know who these guys are already, but I want them out here with me on my last night." Harry turns and looks at his wife with tears in his eyes and holds out his hand.

Jamie smiles and puts their youngest child down so she can walk to her daddy, and she walks slowly behind her.

"This is my baby girl Jessi." Harry says as he picks the toddler up. "And of course my beautiful wife Jamie." He says kissing her cheek, motioning the other to come on out. "My oldest two the twins, Natalie and J, then there's Micha and Abbie." Harry says looking at his wonderful family then back out at the silent crowd. "So for those of you who doesn't know yes that 5 kids. That's why I'm giving up my career. Not because I don't love it and you, because I do." Harry tells the fans as a tear escapes one eye. "But I happen to love my family more, and I've missed so much trying to make you guys happy. I'm not say this is totally the end, I'm 27, I have a studio in my house for God sakes. I might throw a CD out now and then, but I'm done touring, at least until my kids are older." He then laughs. "But by then no one will want to see an old man like me on stage. I just want all of you to see and understand the reason behind my decision to retire at my age. Now if my kids will get off the stage I'll see if I can talk my wife into singing a few songs with me like she used to." Harry says which causes the crowd to erupt. They love when she sings on his cds, they're the biggest selling CD he has out.

After singing a couple of songs Jamie leaves the stage and just watches her husband as he performs for his last time. She can't believe it's been 10 years. Harry has won many awards during his career, some for singing, some for song writing for other artists. But it doesn't matter what he does she's so proud of everything he's accomplished. He works so hard to keep his career and family life balanced and she knows it's hard on him being away so much, missing games, recitals, doctor appointments when she was pregnant with the other kids. That's why he's giving it all up. He can't handle being away from his family any longer. Something about Jessi's birth really got to him and getting through the last 2 years of his contract has been so hard on him, but this is it. Harry is free to come home where he wants to be, where he's meant to be, and just be husband and dad.

When Harry finally sings his last song, he puts every emotion he has left into it, when he's done he feels physically drained. Looking over at Jamie he sees her cheeks wet with tears. He then looks out over the crowd and there isn't a dry eye out there. He's satisfied, he has accomplished what he set out to do. Then suddenly he feels two small arm wrapped around his leg, he looks down to see Jessi looking up at him smiling. Harry picks her up and she says to where she can be heard in the head mic he's wearing. "I wuv you, daddy." Then she wraps her small arms around his neck. And Harry Styles cries in front of thousands of fans, and responds. "I love you too, baby girl. Daddy's home to stay." And he walks off the stage and into his wife's waiting arms.

Harry is home.

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