Chapter 16

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When Harry wakes up the next morning the first thing he sees is the sun reflecting off his wedding band, then he notices he's alone. Rolling out of bed he grabs a clean pair of underwear throws them on and makes his way down stairs. When he walks into the kitchen this wonderful smell hits him. He walks up behind Jamie and wraps his arms around her waist.
"What time did you get up to do all this?" Harry asks in his deep, raspy morning voice.

Jamie turns and kisses him. "Believe it or not I've only been up 10 minutes. I got most this ready last night." She smiles. "I'm very efficient. There's coffee over there." She says pointing.

"Oh thank God. If I didn't love you already I definitely would now." Harry teases pouring himself a cup of coffee then sits down.

A few minutes later she sits a plate down in front of him. "Eat up, we need to get ready for school." She reminds him.

Once they're done eating and dressed Harry pulls her outside toward his bike with a huge grin. "You ready for this?" He asks her.

Jamie smiles back. "Yep. Let do this." She says.

Harry gets on the bike and starts it, then waits for her to get on and settles before taking off. Jamie decides before they even exit their long driveway she loves this.

When they get to the school Harry parks in his usual spot and waits for Jamie to dismount so he can. He then locks the wheels and then they make their way to the building so they can meet the guys at their locker like always. Unfortunately the first person they run into when entering the school is Deb and her friends.

Jamie groans and mumbles to where only Harry could hear. "Shit, I'm never going to be able to finish a full day in this school am I?"

Hearing that Harry can't help but laugh and put his arm around Jamie's shoulders. The thing is when he does that the lights over head reflects off his ring drawing attention to it. Everyone in the hallway looks at it, then look down at Jamie's hand and see the matching one on her hand and realizes they didn't lie about getting married.

Deb for once is speechless, Rachel, her friend isn't however. "So, you two really did get married?"

Harry and Jamie both stop. Harry looks at the girl he really doesn't know that well. "Yeah we really did." He answers.

"Who does that? After only knowing each other for just a few weeks.?" Rachel asks not being mean she really sounds curious.

Harry looks down at his wife and smiles. Then looks around at everyone listening. "Two people who realize how much they love each other. That life together will be so much better than apart." He replies. "Maybe someday all of you will get as lucky as I have." He adds as he walks away leading Jamie to their locker.

"I love you." Jamie says not even trying to hold her voice down. She doesn't care who hears her at this point. Not after Harry said what he just did.

"Love you too, babe." Harry replies, kissing the top of her head.

They're all sitting in the cafeteria making plans for the weekend when Jamie stands up, she tells Harry she's going to run to the restroom, will be right back. He nods not thinking much about it, neither does anyone else at the table. After about ten minutes Lea looks around, finally realize she isn't back yet.

"Harry?" Lea says, getting his attention. "Where's Jamie?"

Harry's head jerks up and looks around, he then jumps up and sprints out of the cafeteria with the other following close behind himm what they find as they round the corner to the restrooms stop them all in their tracks. There standing against the wall, breathing hard is Jamie, at her feet are 5 of the biggest jocks in the school, they are laying there moaning in pain while Jamie just looks slightly winded.

Who? Me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon