Chapter 13

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Harry goes home with Louis since he's his best friend. Not that they get much sleep, couple of hours maybe. Louis has to be as tired as him, he spent most of the night with a Harry crying on his shoulder, any other time he'd be yelling at his friend for being such an ass, but this time he doesn't have the heart to. Harry's a total mess, he knows he fucked up he doesn't need his best friend reminding him of his mistakes right now. It's 4am and they are currently sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. If Louis' going to be up this early in the morning he's determined to find out why Jamie acts the way she does around loud noises. So he's looking it up on his computer when he finally finds an article about a double murder where the daughter witnesses the whole thing.

"Oh. My. God." Louis gasps, looking at Harry. "You bastard." He snaps out at his friend finally. "You never asked. She's right. You don't care about her at all. Not like she does you."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Harry says looking at Louis.

"In the fucking tree house, you moron, we heard it all. She said it, you don't ask about her, you just answer her questions she asks about you." Louis yells at him. "You didn't take the hint that day at all did you, it's still all about you, what you want. Read this you stupid fuck. At least I cared enough to find out why your girlfriend, oh sorry "fiance" freaks out at the loud noises you continue to make when you get pissed for no obvious reason." Louis says before leaving Harry alone with the laptop.

Harry grabs the laptop and pulls it to him and starts reading the article Louis has pulled up. It's a very detailed description of what happened the day Jamie's parents was murdered, it describes the scene all the way down to how many bullets each body has been hit with and where, it's also causing Harry's stomach to roll. But what gets him the most is the pictures, Jamie's stood just feet from her dead parents, now covered, she herself covered in their blood being hugged by one of the responding officers, jumping up Harry runs to the sink and throws up the coffee he's just drank and tries to unsee what he just saw.
Louis' right, he learned nothing that day in the tree house. It's still all about him, what he wants, what he needs. Jamie's always there for him, helping him when he needs it and all he does is cause her pain. Hell he wouldn't blame her if she decides not to marry him, but if she does decide to go through with it he'll spend the rest of his life making it up to her. He'll ask all the right questions, do all the right things. He'll help her as much as she's helped him.

"Did you puke in my kitchen sink?" Louis asks as he walks back into the kitchen.

Harry shrugs. "Wouldn't have made it to the bathroom, figured this was better than the floor." He says little to no emotion.

"Hit you that hard did it?" Louis says handing him a glass of water.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Harry asks. "For me to see the error of my way?"

"I guess if you want to put it that way, then yeah. I want you to open your eyes, Harry, and see that you're not the only person in this relationship that could possibly need help." Louis explains. "Harry I've seen it, the longing in her eyes, after she's asks a personal question and you answer it, she wants you to ask her something, anything but you don't, you just turn away and start talking to one of us guys about some random shit. I see the hurt she shakes off so quick before you can notice. Truthfully I don't know why she hasn't had a melt down before now." Louis sighs shaking his head.

"Why didn't you tell me, you're my best friend." Harry asks him.

"I shouldn't had to, Harry. If you love her as much as you claim you do you should want to know everything there is to know about her, how she grew up, her favorite color, foods, vacation spots. Everything, but you just don't seem to care. It's almost as if all you want is the money, that's the only reason you're marrying her, piss on all the small details." Louis cries.

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