Chapter 19

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Jamie wakes up early the next morning, eyes crusted over with dried tears. Sitting up in the bed she's in she looks around the room. It's a pretty one, it has blue and green stripes on the walls simular to the one she and Harry shares, standing she walks over to one door to reveal a large bathroom, nodding she opens one of the others and gasps at the array of clothes hanging in the massive walk in closet. Taking a closer look she realizes most of the clothing are in her size, tired of trying to figure out her aunt's intentions, Jamie grabs some clean clothes and takes a shower. She then sneaks down the hallway until she comes across a set of steps that went down, with a shrug she takes them. She doesn't have her phone with her so if she gets lost in this stupid house oh well, she can find her way out eventually. When she gets to the bottom she hears voices so she knows she's on the main floor, where at she isn't sure just yet. Walking forward as quietly as possible Jamie makes her way toward the voices and comes to a door. Grabbing the doorknob she slowly turns it, cracks to door open so she's peeking into the room. That's when she realizes she's looking right into the livingroom from beside the fireplace, this must be a secret door.
She can see Harry sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, Lea's sitting beside him with her hand on his shoulder.

"Harry, I'm sure everything will be fine." Lea says. "She's still in the house we can look for her."

Harry raises his head and look at the girl beside him. He moves away from her. He realizes she's always touching him, whenever she gets the chance, a hug, a pat on the hand, and now she's just sitting to close. "Really?" Harry asks Lea. "You really want to help me find Jamie?"

Jamie's confused by the question, she thought Harry liked Lea, then she hears the answer and is shocked, also wonders why she never saw it before. Wonders what she did in her life to deserve so much hate from everyone she knows.

"Truthfully, no." Lea says. "I've always liked you Harry, and I never thought Jamie was good for you, and you just proved that. Otherwise why wouldn't you want her to have your kids?" She sneers.

Jamie covers her mouth to hide her gasp. He told her.

"That's not what I said and you know it." Harry yells as he jumps up, moving away from Lea. "I said the thought terrified me to the point to where I said the first thing that popped in my head. I'm always doing that, always hurting her." He says looking at Lea. "Just leave, you are no friend of hers. Friends don't try to seduce their friends husbands." Harry snaps. "God if this is what money does to fucking people I don't want it either." He says stomping out of the room to find Lou to have him get Lea out of his house.

Jamie shuts the door and turns back the way she came, she doesn't believe a word Harry has said. He has lied so many times in the past she can't trust him anymore. Opening the other door slowly Jamie sees she's in the front foyer. Perfect she thought, she steps out and looks around, she grabs her purse and keys and sprints toward the garage. Jumping into one of the fastest cars they own she takes off. The first thing she does is head to Anne's. She needs a statement for what happened over the 2 days she was gone so she's going to give her one, but she'll be damned if she's going to do it in that house, having to act as the loving wife. After that's done she drives to the drug store as promised to get the morning after pill. She reads the instructions and realizes that she's taken to long at Anne's, she'll be taking it to late but she's going to do it anyway and pray she isn't pregnant. Jamie then drives out of town. She's going to see her mom and dad, she needs them now more than anything.

Lou walks into Harry's house after taking Lea home. He can't believe how much their lives have changed since Jamie's shown up, mostly for the better, but the poor girl just has the worse luck. Lou walks in the livingroom to see Harry and Ed just sitting there. "Why aren't you guys searching the house looking for Jamie"

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