Chapter 4

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We walked down the steps of the house and we went right out the gate. Everyone was arousing and coming out of their own houses too.

We walked down for about 4 to 5 blocks and finally came to the feasting hall.

It's a beautiful wooden dome made out of mahogany wood. It has no walls to make it into a normal building, but it has wooden pillars to hold up the glass celling. The Banquet Hall is decorated with many different types of flowers and trees. It has lovely paintings that would look great in any room. But the real show stopper was the Forgotten Falls. Our founders decided that it would be a good idea to build the Hall right by a waterfall. Near one side of the hall a waterfall flowed into the room and split off into many miniature rivers.  It was said to be made before time and lost long ago in these woods before the founders came. So we call it the Forgotten Falls.

The Halls also had many long tables connecting up to one large taller dinning table. This table was for the core leaders and their families.

"Lane. Mom!"

I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around to see my little sister, Aviana. Aviana was a curious and spritely girl. She was about 14 and was pretty small like me and our mother. She had dark hair and more chiseled features than me. She seemed more flat then me and had less curves, but I love my curves. She pierced her ears while I refuse to do so. She wore a grey tight shirt, blue capris, and normal sneakers.

"Whatcha guys waiting for?"

Aviana asked with big eyes. She grabbed my arm and ushered us up to the large table. We were seated at the right hand of our father.


My father whispered to my mother. My father had tender eyes and a strong completion. He was in shape and had rough hands. He was bald, but he liked to brag about the times when he was young and had a "full set of hair." I still don't believe him. He wore his normal work clothes. A plaid t shirt and khakis. Most people I meet are fairly intimidated by my father. He does give off kind of a scary aurora...

"What was the hold up?" My father asked my mother.


My mother was cut off by the sound of glass. I looked over to see Robin Collins tapping his glass.

Robin and Xander looked quite alike. They both had a chiseled chin and a very white skin. Although Robin looked more warm than Xander. Robin had wrinkles around his mouth to show that he smiled quite often. He isn't as muscular as my father but he looked more powerful with the mind. He has black hair that was cut to almost a buzz cut. He wore the same as my father except he had a navy green polo shirt on. His father looked powerful, but more as if respectful powerful not "strike fear into your heart" powerful.

"It's time to rejoice my brethren!"

And thus the banquet started.

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