Chapter 11

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Dakota set me down into the sofa and took a look at my ankles

"What did you do?" Xander said with a gasp.

I didn't want to look down. I knew it was bad.

"Ok someone please explain what is going on." Xander said.

Dakota explained the entire scenario  while I withered in pain.

"No way." Xander wasn't having any of this.

"You guys are joking right? Right?" He was looking at me. He was waiting for me to break or smile or laugh and say 'You got us! It's a prank!.' But we didn't.

"Xander. We have to leave. We have to warn the other tribes. If we don't innocent liv-"

"Why the hell should I care? I mean this is our tribe and we only should care for our tribe! Why am I even letting you people into my house? You guys are criminals!" He shouted at us.

It then seemed like all the anger I ever had in my body flooded out. All the resentment I had towards him all the bitterness.

"Will you shut up! These are innocent people you heartless jerk! I'm not going to sit here and let our parents become mass murders! Either you come with us or you'll be our next enemy!" It's kinda funny. Me and Dakota didn't even decide if we were going or not. We just wanted to help the other tribes.

Just then we all realized Xanders sister was sitting by the stair well start eyed.

"What's this about papa?" Amelia asked.

"Nothing, Amelia, please go to bed." Xander ushered his sister up the stairs and came back down.

He did a long sigh.

"How come whenever I hang out with you I always end up getting in trouble?" He muttered.

We all sat there for a while.


"Wait your coming?" Dakota asked.

"Why not? Adventure? Danger? Death? What's not to love about that. Let's get packing." And so we all began getting what ever food we could and shoved it into a bag. Along with some of Xanders parents clothes and his own.

"Your mother sure has a taste in clothes." I said to Xander.

"How about instead of critiquing my mothers wardrobe choices you hurry up and pack." He said back.

"Speaking of which where is your mom Xander?" Dakota asked.

Bad question.

I looked over at Dakota and gave him the death eye. Xanders mom moved out around a week ago. She was caught having an affair with another man and went to live with him instead. This shows why Xander has been so out of sorts lately.

Dakota dropped the subject and we all picked up our bags. We all walked towards Xanders door and slowly opened it.


We each looked at each other and did a little sigh.

We opened it all the way and went down his driveway and took down the street.

And from here on. We were traitors to our tribe.

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