Chapter 9

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I landed at the bottom and looked around. I didn't sense anyone. I made my way down to where my father worked. The tribal hall.

It was a couple of blocks down and I finally came to it. I took a moment to catch my breathe. The Tribal Hall looked kinda like all the other houses except ten times bigger and it had way more windows.

I started to go towards the main hall door but I heard a voice.

"What the hell are you doing?"

My heart stopped. I slowly turned around. No one.

"Down here princess."

It was Dakota hiding in a bush.

"Wh-wait you knew I would come?" I asked harshly.

"I knew that you wouldn't be able to avoid it." He said smugly.

He came out of the buses and grabbed my arm.

"We can't go through the main door. We have to go to a window." He said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Alright." I let Daokta tug me around until we came to the far end of the hall. He let go of my arm and started to rummage around in the buses. He soon pulled out a long ladder.

"Second floor Hun." He said pushing me aside and lightly putting the ladder against the building.

"Ladies first." He said swaying his arms towards the ladder.

"You're too kind." I mumbled as I went up the ladder. Dakota was behind me and we got to the second floor. If the hall didn't have roofs for each floor we would be screwed.

We went along silently and lightly trying not to make any noise. We came across the perfect window which was almost like a skylight to the room since it was tilted inwards.

I looked in to see my father, Robin, and Iris having a deep discussion.

I couldn't hear them very well only mumbles. That of course was because we couldn't stand right over the window and hear directly.

"Open the window." I whispered to Dakota.

He got the notion and slightly tilted the window open. Then the voices came to me.

"It wouldn't be hard. I mean Pardus has already said they are ready. The Leos are a disgrace. They act like wild creatures and are basically savages." I could hear Iris say.

"True, but there is also Ursidae." Robin chimed in.

"Oh please. They are just as insane as Leo. These two are not as sophisticated as us. Did you not see what Leo did to our afternoon patrol? We weren't even on their boarder!" Iris shouted.

My father put up his hand.

"Be still Iris. Someone may here. Although I do agree. We have trained these children to fight and hunt. Why should we hesitate to protect our own? With Pardus at our side we will have great numbers. Leo and Ursidae most likely won't come to each other's aid. More land and food for us and Pardus." My fathers words sank to my stomach. The way he said each word. He said it as if his tongue was made of poison.

I realized I was too close to the window and I pushed in on it. It made a mighty creeping noise and me and Dakota quickly ducked.

"Who is there?"

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