Chapter 7

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"Ok listen. The core leaders have a plan and I have kept my mouth shut for too long. I need someone to talk to." He said with an exasperated sigh. He looked at the ground with immediate shame.

I then realized how important this may be. If it involves the core leaders it obviously means either Dakota is in deep trouble or we all are.

I finally looked up at him and spoke.

"Dakota, tell me it's ok." I sat him down on my bed and held his arm.

He was very hesitant. And I knew what he was hiding was eating him out alive. I could almost see tears form in his eyes.

"Fine. Our parents including Xander's father want to combine with the Pardus tribe. They want to take out the other tribes beside Pardus and make them extinct. They think that food and land is becoming low. I mean just a day ago a member of our tribe came back with fatal wounds from the Leo tribe. Things are at an all time low. Brother turning on brother." Each word he spat out bitterly. It seems as if all his happiness has gone.

I couldn't believe this. My father was a man of peace. I am a woman of peace.

"How come I haven't heard of this and you have?" I said in disbelief.

"Almost two weeks ago my I caught my mother sneaking out of the house at about 2 in the morning. I followed her to the meeting hall and heard the plan. Lane, listen I know it is hard to believe, but they are meeting again tonight. So stay up till 2 and see if your fathe-"

"No!" I cut him off.

"My father is a man of honor! He wouldn't just want the tribes to go to war over food and some quarrel!" I could feel my anger boiling over the top.

I then stood up.

"Lane I know this is all coming at your fast but you have to believe me." Dakota looked so helpless.

"I think you should go, Dakota."

Dakota looked as if he had been broken into shatters.

"Lane please. You don't think I feel horrible about this too? My mother is the one who proposed the idea! I mean I feel horrible and I- I..." His voice trailed off.

"I-I don't want to hear it." I said looking down at the ground.

Tears were forming in my eyes too. I haven't had a deep discussion with Dakota in a while.

"Why?! Why don't you believe me?!" He shouted.

"Why should I?!" I shouted back. All these years of tension. Of hating each other burst. We finally let go of our emotions.

"Because I have known you forever why would I lie? Why do you think I would just randomly say this?!" He asked.

"B-Because you love attention! You love being able to cause problems and fix them! This isn't real and neither is that perfect smile of yours!" As soon as I said that I wished I took it back.

He took to the door.

"If you can't remember there was once a time when I could call you my friend." He muttered  with his back facing me.

He then walked out of my room.

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