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As you have read before. Grace and Abree went down to the ground. I must announce that Grace punched Abree broke her front tooth and knocked her out. Whoa. Who knew Grace was a--

"SAVAGE!"Someone screams from the crowd surrounding Grace and Abree. Grace was breathing hard and the school "security guards" come and take her away. You know the rest. People screaming nurse coming to get Abree. Blah Blah Blah.

I can care less for Grace or Abree. I kind of laughed when Grace punched Abree and took her tooth out! My friends were laughing with me which encouraged me to laugh more. Now for story time, kids!

All through elementary and middle school Abree used to bully me. Grace a little. Well, here's the thing, I used to have long hair like REALLY long, all the way to my butt long, but one day in middle school I was changing in the locker rooms after P.E. and she got some scissors and cut half of my hair. One part of my hair was long and the other was short. I was so mad. This is why from that day and forever I have my hair super short. Boy style. 

But it was also kind of good because that is how I met my two good old friends. Weird huh? I don't know why I'm still letting you read this but...whatever.

*Evil glare here*   

The bell rings. Time to go to hell!

I bid my good byes to Maggie and Tracey and go to my class alone because I don't know anyone in that class. You know when your that person where your squad has one period and then your the only one separated? I hate that, man. 

 Why office lady's like doing this to me?!

"Move, bitch, get out the way." Someone pushes me causing me to hit another person in the hallway. I hear laughter from the person who told me that. I find that person quickly.


Jester. He is thee most known class clown in this school. He is one of those people who just say whatever they feel like and don't care if it's good or bad, if the offend or don't offend, if they say something smart or stupid. They just do it.

(By the way, Jester is not his real name. No one knows his real name, people just call him that.)

I push Jester back and he hits this girl and the girl shrieks. 

"Whoa, sorry" Jester tells her, he dropped her books to the floor and helps her pick them up. There hands touch and they look at each other. The girls face turns slightly pink.

"Great" I murmur. This is great. So GREAT. With the capital G! I just hooked up two people without wanting to. Am I good or what? Dang. If you need help call me:585-836-2956.

When you call me, the secret code is: I love you. Then I will know who's calling. Got that? Good. 

I leave the love at first sight scene and make it to my first class. 


Don't we love chemistry?

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