
16 4 1

"Get out you're breathing on my face" Was the first thing Hunter said when he woke up. With a bruise under his eye.


"Sheesh, good morning, Sleeping Beauty," I told him.

Dang he's rude.

Now it feels weirder because now I know that we are fake cousins...


*yeah I feel you... last time my aunt told me about me and my sis--*

Okay it's not story time yet, (Your name^Y/N^)

Hunter's face was scrunched up in disgust.

"Go away...." He slapped my arm.

I got up and headed toward the door like he asked then when I reached the door he said , "Never mind, don't leave."

I make a cool spin and march back to my seat next to his bed.

I wink.

"I think I made a mistake, leave" He looked at me as if he didn't know me.

"Whatever you say, maestro." I got up but then he grabs my wrist.

"Sit down...uhh...whatever, don't leave that's it. I don't wanna be alone here" He lets go and crosses his arms on his chest.

He gets out of bed and his hair is all over the place like...a nest!!

I chuckle.

"What?" he asks.

I didn't get to answer when his phone vibrated.

He stares at his phone," Oh yeah... I forgot I had one of those electronics."


He picks it up and reads the text he was just sent and his face turns into a huge BIG FAT (ugly) smile. It's like one of those creepy mischievous smiles you see on T.V.

He starts to text back.

"Ohhhkayyy." I get up," Ta-ta"

I get up and leave the room.

He didn't even noticed when I left!!

Wow...phone's really distract people.


Agree with me?




I got home safely.

Just so you know...

When I open the door I hear super loud rock music coming from upstairs.

It was so loud I couldn't hear myself breath!

"Puttin' holes in ya vest

My midwest n*ggas hard

Quick ta pull ya fuckin' card
My midwest n*ggas hard
Quick ta pull ya fuckin' card
And down south we set if off
Blow ya fuckin' face off
And down south we set if off
Blow ya fuckin' face off (real n*gga role call!)"

WHOA!!! Who's playing this music?

I make my way upstairs skipping two steps at a time.

Apparently, it's coming from my dad's office room...

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