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"Shoo fly!" I tell my little brother, John. I haven't mentioned him in a while. About time, huh? He screams and runs with only his underwear.

Dang it. It's embarrassing, that's the closest thing I have to see naked boys. 

*WHOA WHOA WHOA....what?*

HAHAHA ,Just kidding I don't want to see that...

Keyword: ... 

I'm trying to concentrate on my homework right now. So, I suggest you should leave so I wouldn't be so distracted. 

Don't you think? 

*Nahh...^lays back^* Okay! Fine. But you have to help me with my homework!


That's right. See? You're distracting me. Shoo, fly! 

"Sara!" My mom's voice calls from downstairs. 

"What!" I shout back. 

"Come down here!!" I fucking crap gonna kill a mosquito! *What?*

I guess that didn't make any sense. I make my way downstairs and jump the last step. 

Make a right, right, left, straight hallway, right, left, straight, third door out of four, straight, left. Hmm, I forgot the way to the kitchen...Oh right! left, right, diagonal...

OKAY. My house is NOT that BIG. 

Trying to exaggerate a bit. Heh! I make my way to the kitchen and I see my mom talking to this guy I never saw before. He was awfully close to my mother so when he saw me speed walking to him, giving him the hardest face expression I have. 

He backed away, like...three steps! He raised his hands like in surrender.  

I was about to shout at him but my mom stepped in between. Her face looks like she was trying to force a smile. 

"Whoa, honey bunny." She says very nicely. What the heck is happening? ,"Let me explain." 

She looks back at the guy and then at me again,"This is Dan....He is my...friend that is a boy...soifyouputthosetogetheritisboyfriend." She speeds the last words.

But I know EXACTLY what she said," What?" 



John in my head ,What?

My neighbors,What??

My cat, meow?

My friends, whaa?

My ex-boyfriend, huh?

The city, What?

The law, WHAT?!

The government,   .... watching you...

The world, WHat?

Okay, that's enough, "Mom! You are fucking married!" I hold in my anger. How can she do this to my dad???

 "There is no such language under this roof! Now, let me explain. Like I said this is Dan--"

"You don't need to explain! You're cheating on my dad!"

"I need to you to keep this a secret!" She yells at the roof. But I think she was telling me not the roof. 

*You mean the ceiling* Whatever. 

"You want me to keep this a secret...from dad?" This is going down hill! This can't be happening! How can my mother do this? 

"Yes...Don't worry, honey...This is only temporary...I think" She should not have said that!

"Don't call me honey!"

"I will punish you really good if you don't keep this a secret!" Heck.

I don't even reply. What am supposed to say? There is nothing. The gay--I mean-- guy named Dan looks very uneasy and shoot him a glare and go up to him.

"Don't you dare hurt my mother, bitch!" I then turn and leave the scene.



At night, I hear my dad come in from work but I was already 'sleeping'. I hear him go up the stairs to his room.

I hear mumbling voices, something like," I missed you, wife." 

I then my mother says, something like," Me to." Then I guess they kiss or something. 

I hear my dad say very loud and clear,"I love you." My mom doesn't reply. 

(To be Continued...ACTUALLY, NO. This is bad.)

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