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The random boy who was sleeping on the bed shirtless POV


I went up the tallest tree I could find.

Don't worry I won't kick you out of my thoughts because I like the attention. 

Heh, no judging!

I breathe the clean air of the forest. I just ran away from that girl's house.

I know her name too. Someone told me about her. They said she was pretty and cool. So, me being me, I went to check her out. Also, the scar across her face looks nice on her. Plus, her bed was a bonus because it was so soft and comfy.

So that means I'll go back to her house anytime soon because of the bed. I look over the whole area of trees as far as I can see.

I have no parents or no house and no family. I pretty much live in the forest but I don't mind. I have my own tree house a mile away from here. 

And yes I do have a phone. Don't ask about how I pay the service or the wifi because I don't want to tell you. Actually, I don't feel like telling you.

*aww, man*


"Hey!" I hear a voice under me. I look down and it's my best buddy.


"Hi, Ben!" I wave like a little kid but he knows I'm joking.

"Don't fall like last time! You broke your arm and didn't do anything about it!" He yells up at me.

"I won't!" I yell back. We live together. 

We've been best friends since we were born. 

Just kidding.

I found him eating berries from a bush in the forest when I was five. Since then we just survive together.

You must also think we're some kind of indigenous people or savages (in some ways we are). 

In truth, Ben and I don't know our parents and don't know where in this hell hole we came from.

I almost lose my balance in the tree but I manage to hold on.

"Peter! You're gonna die! I'm gonna be lonely..." He looks really worried now.

"HA! You're fun--" I totally lose me balance and fall of the tree,"AHHHH!"  I try to hold on the branch but nooo...I hit the floor with my arm first. 

A sharp pain hit my arm,"AHHHHHH!  What just happen!?" Ben comes running toward me.

"I think I like...twisted my arm or something cause it hurts." I look at my arm and wince in pain. Don't worry this has happened before! I'm fine. Last time it healed by itself.

See no medical required. Just don't try it.

"You're so stupid," Ben says while helping me up.

"Thanks but I just need those cloth thingies around my arm and fine." We go toward our tree house. 

"Let's go into town," Ben suggest. But town isn't the best place to go when you want your mind to wander, so busy.

"Fine, I want frozen yogurt to make me feel better." I grunt.    

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