Your first time

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The two of you stumbled into the room, lips attached and arms flying. Evan and you have been dating for a little while now and the two of you wanted to take it to the next level and here you two were. In a dingy hotel room because Evan hadn't wanted you exposed to the craziness that was the paparazzi. Anyways, you two had stopped in the foyer to dispose of shoes and jackets. As Evan struggled to get his jacket off, you cupped his face in your hands and kissed him hard and once again before scampering off into the bedroom. There, he grabbed you from behind and whispered, "I'm feeling a bit you think we could continue this in the shower sweetheart?" He pressed his smile against your ear to convince you further. You turned around in his arms and wiggled out of your dress and undergarments and grabbed his hand. You grinned a small smile and walked backward into the bathroom. Evan grinned in response and took a big step towards you, into your arms and locking lips once again. The two of you rocked side to side for a moment until he reached down and grabbed your soft thighs, rubbing circles on the inside. He walked forward and set you on counter and stripped the rest of his clothes off. Just as you were about to cross your legs, he stepped in between them and kissed your shoulder and nuzzled your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he carried you to the shower and turned on the warm water and kissed you properly. He pinned you against the shower wall as he grinded his hips into yours. You could feel his length pressing against your heat and you ached so much to have he anticipation to be over. You just wanted him to be hilt deep inside you, but, knowing Evan, he probably was going to make the moment last for as long as possible and to make it as gentle and sweet as possible. He wove his fingers in your hair and pulled, exposing your throat to him. Quick as a cobra, he sucked and bit large splotches into your skin and worked his other hand into your heat. He circled your clit carefully with his thumb and allowed his other fingers slide up and down your slit. As you moaned into the steam, Evan lifted you by the waist and slid you onto his length, bouncing you up and down it a few times to get you adjusted to the size of it. As you grinded against him, he pinched your nipples harshly, forcing you to throw your head back and let out a long moan. The two of you continued to bounce and rick until you felt the pressure building inside you. He came first inside you in a flurry and you came over him. As soon as the both of you came off your highs, you turned off the shower and wrapped yourselves in towels and got dressed in your underwear. As you both climbed into bed, you cuddled into Evan's arms and murmured a soft, "I love you," in his ear before falling into a peaceful sleep.

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