Chapter 12

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Curtis P.O.V.

I answer my phone without hesitation. “Hey I‘m so glad y-.” I was stopped by a voice that was not expected. “Curtis its Asia. Look Myk has no idea that I’m calling you right now. If you tell her I will kill you.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at her threat. Asia is five, two and barley a buck O five. “I think you should get here like yesterday. This girl done lost her mind. She spends all her time at the club with Tyler.” Tyler? Who the fuck is Tyler? I feel like I should know that name for some reason but my brain cant process that. She’s with someone else? “I-” Now its my turn to cut her off. “Look, if she wants to move on then let her and I will do the same.” With that I disconnected the phone call. 

Damn. I feel like I just got played by her. Yeah you did, fucking idiot. You should know better. She needed thirty days? Girls always act a certain way to get what they want. I just never thought Mykaela was one of those girls. To me she seemed like a grown ass woman. I let out a deep sigh as I walk over to my window. Starring down at the street below I reach up to rub at my chest subconsciously. I can tell that this one really hurt me kind of deep. The best way to get over a girl is with another girl. So to the club I go. 

Asia P.O.V.

DAMMIT! He hung up on me! I set my cell phone down on the coffee table. Why don’t people ever listen to everything a person has to say before they jump to conclusions and hang up. Oh no, now he thinks that Mykaela is dating someone else. I just totally screwed up! Cue the water works. These pregnancy hormones have me weeping at every little thing. 

What the hell am I going to do now. Mykaela hasn’t moved on and now Curtis doesn’t want anything to do with her. The tears fall even more. She doesn’t really talk much to me about anything other than the baby. She seems like she has been avoiding the house like the plague, unless I have a doctors appointment. Then when she isn’t here she calls constantly. I don’t know what that girl is up to.

She must be trying to work so hard she wont have to think about Curtis. I know she loves him although she hasn’t admitted to it out loud. In the beginning, I could see it growing in both of their eyes. There has to be a chance to fix this. 

The door bell brings me out of my thoughts. “I got it. Should be Tyler anyway.” I heard Mykaela shout out. I heard an extra pair of foot steps approach the living room. “Hey Asia, how are you?” Tyler asked as he walked in. “Pretty good, how about yourself?” “Excited to get my girl out on this dance floor.” Wow his girl? I couldn’t help my eyebrows from shooting up at that comment.

“Um, Mykaela can I talk to you for moment. In private.” She gave me a surprised expression and I knew it was at the use of her real name. We both walked into Mom’s office that Mykaela started using. “His girl? Are you dating Tyler now?” That may have came out more incredulously then I was trying. Myk looked at me and I saw fury flash in her eyes then amusement. Then it turned to thoughtful. I can tell she was trying to make sure she worded her next statement carefully. “What I may or maynot be doing with Tyler is my business. Just as who the father of my nephew is apparently your business. When you share I will share.” She just smiled at my shocked express and walked out. My feet were shocked to the spot I was standing on. 

The closing of the front door finally pulled me out of this state. Well she has me there.

Tyler P.O.V.

“Myk over here!” I waved my hands frantically to get her attention. Finally she looks up and sees me. We both break out into cheesy smiles. I immediately notice the denim skinny jeans, a silk dark blue top with matching heeled booties. No doubt in my mind that Asia dressed her. When she is left to it, she wears sweats and a tank top everywhere. We have been spending a lot of time catching up with each other. I am so thankful to have her back in my life. Its like old times. Myk has always been an awesome friend.

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